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image. Visually, baseline JPEGs do not offer pool of images for error responses and non-
much of an advantage. JPEG files that had the .jpg extension.
User Preferences Here are the YUI team’s findings:
There is concern that some users feel that Overall, the median JPEG size is just over
progressive JPEG rendering is annoying and/ 52 Kb. When lossless optimization is used, the
or appearing to be antiquated. Though, these median baseline JPEG is about 47 KB, or 9%
feelings are not known to be confirmed by smaller. The progressive JPEG is about 46 Kb,
an actual study. Since there is no whitespace or 11% smaller. The YUI team cautions that this
involved in progressive rendering, a website is merely an average. They call attention to the
can ‘seem’ to load faster than it actually does. 15% of progressive JPEGs that were larger. In
For instance, when most users had a slow an effort to determine why, the team explored
dial-up connection, progressive JPEGs were how images performed. They looked for a
preferred. As GIFs became more popular, they specific relationship in dimensions or file size.
fell out of favor. The same can be said about Their data showed that bigger images tended
the increasing speed of Internet connections to save better in progressive format:
for mobile devices. Progressive JPEGs will
likely continue to grow in popularity. � Images under 10K have a 75% chance of
being smaller if saved as a baseline JPEG.
Decreasing Page Load Times � Images over 10k have a 94% chance
The load time for all types of media is a of better compression if saved as a
primary concern among developers. This progressive JPEG
remains true even amidst the advances
of modern computing hardware. JPEG file For heightened concern over best image
sizes impacts the whole of the technology quality, the YUI team recommends trying
industry. One major reason why developers both types and choosing the smaller one.
are concerned is because of the shift toward For more details about the test, visit the YUI
mobile first software. The rise of apps inclined test link. A tutorial by Hostinger adds support
developers to make software compatible with to part of the YUI findings. It states that
mobile over hardware platforms. Additionally, progressive images have a 2% to 10% smaller
independent developers of mobiles devices file size. The tutorial recommends progressive
are now more compatible with each other than JPEGS for improving a website’s loading and
ever before. This has supported a technological overall performance. Progressive JPEGs are
shift toward a mobile first digital world. not supported by Internet Explorer prior to
Windows 7. Images will display, but not until the
file arrives in its entirety. It has been universally
Testing the Rendering of 10,000 supported since then.
JPeg images
Information about load time has been Conclusion
conflicting. With both developers and
users alike so overwhelmingly concerned The takeaway from this article is that both,
with connections speed, a team of web progressive and baseline JPEG image formats
professionals devised a test. YUI specializes are useful. Baseline, the default format, is
in rich interactive web applications. It hosts a often better suited for smaller images, while
library for JavaScript and CSS code. The YUI progressive is better for larger ones. Several
team recognized the debate over whether image editors offer the option to save in
baseline or progressive rendering will generally progressive JPEG format; so interchanging
yield smaller files. A related aspect that was between them shouldn’t be an issue. It is
included was lossless optimization. doubtful that either one will become obsolete
anytime soon. Though, it is worthy to note that
with sufficient Internet speeds, progressive
To answer these questions, the YUI team
compiled more than 10,000 images. They used rendering eliminates useless whitespace.
a free Yahoo! API for the image search. Images
consisted of various quality, sizes, and origin.
The YUI team began by first cleaning up the
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