Page 59 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 8.9
P. 59

the blockchain for a certain purpose, you will   technology speedily. We’ve seen it before: for   These standards should define the model of
        most likely have to construct your own piece   instance with TCP/IP, which was adopted very   the business, which still one of the biggest
        of software for it.                  slowly.                              challenges in blockchain implementation.

           As you already know, building new software   Researchers used TCP/IP in 1972, which   3.  Let each participant decide on the
        is not cheap. Experts estimate software   allowed them to send emails to one another.   operating rules for the technology.
        development to be around $10,000 for simple   Only a few companies used it in the 80s, and
        apps and at least $800,000 for unique and   the technology did not become mainstream
        complex software. Only a few small and   until the mid-90s.                 The design of the platform begins with
        medium businesses have the money to fund                                  the business model, and it includes decision-
        for proprietary software. Therefore, it is highly   How  Companies  Can  Overcome   making regarding whether the technology will
        unlikely that small businesses would choose   These Obstacles             not require permission (available to all users)
        to use such expensive technology unless                                   or have various permission levels.
        a  larger  company  releases  an  affordable   Blockchain technology has arrived but
        application that is blockchain-based.   what’s a company to do? They can embrace   As you construct the blockchain for the
                                             a wait-and-see mindset, but they risk falling   business, it is wise to confront risks as early
           It is disconcerting because this particular   behind their competitors. On the other hand,   as you can. Add crucial elements, including
        technology can potentially save both the   leaders are not encouraged to jump right in   compliance and cybersecurity. You may also
        consumers  and  businesses  tons  of  money.   without being prepared. It is why building
        However, the initial investment is still pretty   trust is essential with the blockchain and with   need help from both audit and legal specialists
        steep for smaller businesses at the moment.   the following strategies, businesses can set   who can be an essential addition to the
                                             themselves toward successful execution:   development team. Involve risk professionals
        2.  Lack of Blockchain Pros                                               and take into account the privacy implications
                                             1.  Begin with a clear-cut case for your   of the technology.
           The  blockchain  technology  is  still  young.   business.
        Its concept started in the early 90s, but it took                           It is also necessary to invest in processes,
        about a decade and a half to put it into practice   Preferably, have something that is small   as well as data. Traditional procedures of
        upon the launching of Bitcoin. Blockchain has   yet scalable. It should be able to deliver   each organization generally include sales,
        been around for about a decade now, but it   quantifiable  benefits  in  the  shortest  amount
        is  still  hard  to  find  experts  who  understand   of time possible. A smart move is to involve   shipping, manufacturing, and the like. These
        it  completely  and  with  the  skills  to  create   the  risk professionals  right from  the  start.   processes are frequently suboptimal, which is
        platforms.                           Additionally, you should bring your data   why it helps to focus efforts into streamlining
                                             governance processes and policies up-to-  these activities.
           Due to the lack of pros, it hurts the adoption   date.
        of the technology in the following ways:                                    There may be several obstacles and
                                               Ask a few questions that involve what   challenges in applying blockchain technology,
           There is an inadequate number of people   you’re trying to accomplish strategically and   especially for businesses.  However,  early
        working on blockchain to fulfill the demand.   your pain points. You should also know which   implementers, as well as researchers, believe
                                             shareholders share these pain points with
           Exclusivity is costly, mainly because it   you. The business case should allow you to   that  it  indeed  has  the  power  to  radically
        may require hiring pre-existing experts on the   discover the procedure involved in funding the   change systems and services we rely on
        technology.                          initiative and how it will be governed.   today.

           The growing interest may encourage more   2.  Collaborate with other businesses,   Businesses that want to adopt blockchain
        people  to  discover  blockchain.  It  will  take  a   including your competitors.   should direct their attention to solving the
        few years for individuals to gain experience                              obstacles and not the adoption process
        about the technology. Also, companies should   Blockchain technology may demand   itself. It will still take some time, but there is
        be willing to hire them because of their   collaboration of competitors so that they   the huge possibility that people will end up
        knowledge.                           can provide solutions for problems in the   using blockchain as part of their daily lives.
                                             industry. One good reason for such need
        3.  Reluctance to Change             is that blockchain’s value grows immensely   Moving forward in digital transformation using
                                                                                  blockchain technology could soon be as easy
                                             when there are more people and businesses
           The blockchain is revolutionary as it   involved.                      as opening and checking your email.
        changes the conventional methods, such as
        with  financial  exchanges  and  contracts.  The   An excellent option here is to convene
        problem  with  it  is  that  these  modifications   a group of stakeholders and have them
        make it less likely for the world to approve the   agree as a whole on a set of standards.

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