Page 38 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 8.7
P. 38
fficiency is key when it comes to growing 1. online webinar An ideal webinar has a minimum duration
Eonline business revenue. It can often be of one hour. It’s simple to create a webinar
a difficult undertaking to scale an internet An online webinar is essentially a long when the host really knows everything there
business without the proper knowledge. version of a sales video. A business can is to know about a product or service. Let’s
However, with advancements in website deliberately include various types of content break it down into smaller pieces:
building and advertising software, clever into a webinar to close an online sale.
methods to increase online conversion rates � Introduction (5 minutes)
have become readily available. A one to two-hour long webinar is designed
to build relationship with a potential buyer. � Story (10 minutes)
It is becoming more and more crucial for This cutting-edge method of growing online
businesses these days to implement various revenue focuses on building and maintaining � Content (30 - 40 minutes)
online marketing solutions. Businesses have trust between a potential buyer and the
to adapt to the fast-changing online marketing business. The host of an online webinar may � Transition (5 minutes)
structures to ensure profit growth and to go into great detail when promoting a product
skyrocket online earning potential. or service. � Pitch/Close/Hard Close (20 minutes)
This is the perfect place to get started. We Learning the valuable skill to host an online
will discuss in great detail four marketing tools webinar is necessary for any business these
and methods that any business can implement days. Especially when the average price of the
right now. These methods emphasize the product or service that it offers exceeds $100.
growth of brand awareness and strategically The potential customer will want to have an
accelerated lead generation. in-depth knowledge of the product/ service
before making a buying decision. Again, a
Not only are these proven methods webinar’s main purpose is to create trust and
designed to maximize your online earning build relationship between the customer and
potential, they also leverage incredible the business. The host of the webinar has
tools like promoted posts, targeted ads, to encourage online interaction by asking
and creative content to optimize your online questions to the viewers as well as responding
brand and increase revenue. Again, efficiency to viewers’ comments and questions.
is key; which means that the end goal is
to get anybody that clicks on your ad/s to
actually buy. Go ahead and imply any one
or a combination of these online business
solutions today and be very impressed by the
results tomorrow.
Quadrupling Online Revenue:
Where to Get Started
38 PayOutMagazine