Page 62 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 8.6
P. 62
that is right for your product as having four step 6: write storytelling
different attributes: Paragraphs
� Humor vs. Serious Use one or two paragraphs to tell your
target audience about your product using
� Formal vs. Casual a storytelling method. Remember that you
should always keep the benefits of the
� Respectful vs. irreverent
customer foremost in the copy. Your target
� Enthusiastic vs. matter-of-fact audience should understand why your product
beats your top competitor when they finish
Now, take your list of features that you reading these paragraphs without actually
wrote in step three and modify them to meet using your competitor’s name. Replace
your company’s tone. The chosen tone will
difficult words with simple ones while keeping
determine many different things about the
way that you present your product including these paragraphs as short as possible. Word
your language, your product imagery and these products to be as specific as possible.
your promotional material colors. Once you Write in active voice and use numbers when
have finished, then print out your list using possible to convey ideas.
a big font and place it next to your targeted
customer’s photo.
step 7: add keywords
step 4: writing your Product Everything you have done up to this point
description Headline has been aimed at impressing the person
Gaze at your list of features and decide staring at you from your workplace wall as
which one is the most important. Now, how a representative of your target audience,
can you turn that phrase into a promise however, you must also please Google and
that your target customer can embrace other search engines in order to have a top
wholeheartedly? Grab your target audience’s performing product description. Therefore,
members attention immediately with your determine the keywords that people are
headline. Make sure to word it in a way keeping
actually entering into a search engine to find
with your chosen tone of voice. Secondly,
a product like yours. An easy way to do this
do not over-promise, but make it realistic.
Statistics show that most people read only 16 is to use a keyword research tool. Do not be
percent of the words that they see, so this may afraid to choose keywords from the middle
be the only thing that your viewer reads. Set of the list as these may be easier to compete
the right emotional tone with your headline. against than those at the top of the list who
Sometimes, it is helpful to think about before are often used by big corporations with much
and after comparisons. Try to create a new
larger budgets. Once discovered, use them on
picture in your target audience’s mind instead
your page at least one time.
of going down a well-trodden path.
If you have followed these steps, then you
step 5: write benefit-rich bullet
Points have already created an effective product
description. The next step is to create another
Your product description should contain
one and test the two against each other to see
a list of benefits that are important to your which one performs the best. Keep creating
customers. Limit the number of bullet points
by choosing those points that your target new product descriptions and testing them
audience will find most important. Make sure because you should always be looking for one
that you use the tone of your company to that delivers results better than your current
convey these points. product description.
62 PayOutMagazine