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click the link to be sent straight to your � Implement hashtags to your posts. This
business website. way, potential buyers will have access
to your profile as long as the post is in
3. youtube existence.
Youtube is the number two search engine � Paste your website link on your bio.
on the internet. Anyone searching for the type Potential buyers can visit your business
of product or service you offer can land on website straight from Twitter.
your business website. Just make sure to do
the following: 6. reddit
� Include keywords in your video titles and Reddit has a total of 330 million users.
You can simply post about your business
descriptions. This ensures you a spot on
on a Reddit forum and then get more traffic
Youtube search results.
to your website. It is a platform where you
� Entertain your viewers as you promote can discuss about your business and get
customer feedback.
your product. Being a video platform,
customers have to be inclined to click on
� Post on the forums with a link to your
your website.
website. Readers are already interested in
your business when they click on your link.
� Respond to comments with your website
link on the comment section. Nothing
� Respond to customer reviews and
builds customer loyalty more than actually
comments. Reddit is a great way to
engaging with customers and potential
increase brand awareness and client
4. Pinterest Traditional ads (TV, newspaper) have
always been great. However, as they are
Pinterest is rapidly growing in popularity.
becoming obsolete, businesses and brands
It is a social platform that is really big on
have to adapt and integrate social media
visuals. This gives businesses the opportunity networks into their marketing strategies. It is
to showcase specificities of their product or common for a business to be paying $10,000
service. to be on TV for a week or a month. With the
utilization of online networks and only $5-20 a
� Be as creative as possible and follow the day, any brand or business can generate the
infographic template. Incorporate graphic amount of leads they want.
design and high quality photos to your ads.
These are the new cutting-edge methods
� Share quotes and ideas. Pinterest users on how to market a business. Apply these
favor posts with high value. strategies today and be amazed by the results
tomorrow. You will then ask yourself: “Why
5. twitter didn’t I do this yesterday?”
50% of all internet users has a Twitter Implementing these online strategies
account. It is no question why politicians and makes it so that customers would have
top celebrities maintain a presence on Twitter. access to you and your business 24 hours
It’s wise for any business or brand to take a day and seven days a week. In result, you
advantage of this widespread social platform. will empower your brand, increase customer
loyalty, and multiply your return on investment.
� Speak your mind. You can post about how Applying these brand new methods of
a trending topic relates to your business or business advertising and marketing will make
brand. you a great leader within your industry.
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