Page 11 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 8.5
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cake and even less so, if you don’t have right and casual dating). If I was to aim for other
tools and knowledge. verticals, for example mainstream games,
financial or nutra, it would cost a lot of effort -
number three: affiliate Marketing while the background and network would still
doesn’t work anymore! be remaining factors. In the end I wouldn’t be
able to compete or rather under very difficult
I hear this mostly from people which have circumstances only.
been in affiliate marketing for a long time.
Naturally, early on everything was way easier. With a dedicated focus I became one of
There had been less competitors, higher the best in the adult industry, so my ROI is
payouts and customers were keen to spend positive and affiliates trust me accordingly.
more money on certain products. Popularity
for this rising market became higher and number Five: Consumers do not
more rivals entered it. For example, when like you!
I started with “mobile” there were only 3
other competing companies. Now? There When telling my friends about my work in
are hundreds of providers that don’t have affiliate marketing I often hear, “are you the
the depth or technology like Trafficpartner’s one always disturbing my browsing with pops
performance Network. Of course, the market and layers?! I don’t like it.” To some degree I
will cleanse itself at one point and only get their point of view, when some guys simply
companies with good products or strong overdo it with aggressive and endless looping
strategies will remain. Sure to have a bigger pops or other ways to force a purchase on a
market share as well. user. However, google and Facebook’s rules
are becoming more strict and a real publisher
People continue to spend more money has to ensure that website visitors have a
online every year altogether. This produces good experience. personally? I like Facebook
more earnings resulting from affiliate advertisements that match my profile and
marketing. Startups with great products for eventually show products I wouldn’t have
example may not have the most efficient found on the web otherwise. Native or video
marketing practices and will need to involve ads are also showing that the industry is going
affiliates to get their product to sell! for new directions.
number Four: get into as many Looking at the high numbers Trafficpartner
verticals as possible! affiliates experience, I can only report that end
consumers seem to be pretty happy with how
Webmasters and publishers, which things are progressing.
experienced drops in their niche markets,
tend to start anew in other verticals. It also The rule is - show customers what they’ll
seems common to say that you’re supposed most likely desire and they’re sure to forget
to cover as much verticals as possible to about unfiltered mass pops or forceful
earn best profits. I can’t find this to be true. methods. If doing so, consumers will end up
There’s no way to be efficient in “all” verticals liking you.
at the same time. Even if you try to cover
all areas, you’ll most likely only be able to
deliver an average performance, leaving you
with a small ROI or even losing money. My
expertise lies within the adult industry. That’s
why I’m focused on different adult spaces
only. Like dating, mobile, games, open real-
time bidding, payment processing and more.
at, I found the best place
and network for it all and the desired focus
on adult (even with further options like dating
PayOutMagazine 11