Page 46 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 8.2
P. 46
During the day set aside time to answer work- classic way to do this is to create a to do list. Make
related emails. Don’t be tempted to dip in and it weekly, monthly or both if it helps. As tasks
out of this all day as its distracting. Admin and arrive, write them on the list. If you’re juggling
accounting can usually be done in one slot. A two different lives separately, to do lists can help
good idea is to do this at the end of the weekend manage this. For example, have a separate list
or on Mondays when you have all your incomings for Cam, Day Job and Household. Crossing off
for the previous week. Also, you guessed it: tasks will give you great satisfaction, as well as
When the time is up, you are done. structured goals to aim for. Be realistic though.
You are only human, so don’t be afraid to say
Scheduling goes for leisure time too. Make “no” if you can’t manage everything.
sure you schedule yourself days off. Yes, that’s
right — actual days with no work. This is so Keep a diary for appointments. Most of us have
important for your mental health and wellbeing this function on our phones, yet few of us use
in general. Whether you spend this at the park it. If you add deadlines, appointments and your
with your family or binging Netflix on the sofa, schedule into your phone’s calendar, you can set
you will feel better for it. You should aim for it to prompt you with reminders.
at least two days off a week. Try to make sure
that sometimes this is a full weekend even. It’s Your Phone is Your Friend
good for the soul.
Use the tyrant in your pocket to help manage
that busy life. If you utilize it properly, your
apps are Your Friend
phone can be your P.A. Just remember to
schedule regular back up syncs as nothing is
A great way to manage social media is to
more heartbreaking than losing everything in
utilize apps. There are a few on the market to
a phone crash.
make busy lives less stressful. If you run your
own site, use a plugin to autocycle your content
When you take time off set an “out of office”
and archive to your social media.
message on your email account. This is even
more important when on vacation. Emails are
Buffer can be a major help to keep your feeds
the permanent link to our working life. Make
fresh and full of content. It’s easy to upload a
sure you aren’t tempted to clock back on by
schedule list of links to your site, and it will
the ping of your phone. An “off hours”/”out of
auto-post to your designated platform, Twitter,
office” message is a professional and polite way
Facebook, etc.
of saying I’m on my time now.
If you are utilizing a lot of platforms, another
Webcamming often means being our own
way to short cut is to use IFTTT, which literally
boss, and that’s great — but burnout can creep
stands for If This, Then That. This clever app
up on us if we don’t stay mindful. Make 2018
contains lots of time saving pre-made widgets,
the year you start to make the most of your
plus the capability to make your own.
The premise behind IFTTT is you can instruct
the widget to react to a certain action. For
Katy Seymour is a super-sex-positive writer in
example, “if posting #KatyCams on Twitter,
the U.K. who believes kink is life. Email her at
then share the content of the tweet to Facebook,
Tumblr etc.” It can even send your Instagram
pictures to your other social platforms. Apps Reprinted courtesy of YNot
like this can save precious hours in admin and
content sharing.
get your Priorities in Order
Prioritizing your workload helps you to make
the most of your time. The easiest and most