Page 52 - Payout Adult Industry Magazine Volume 6.5
P. 52

keyWord research:

Critical No Matter What

eyword research is a principle part of digital Starting Point you perform this “testing”? Ask yourself the
Kmarketing, and it is particularly relevant following questions:
Let’s look at keyword research from its roots
for online publishers, bloggers and freelance
and then build towards the technical aspects. „ Are the keywords relevant to the content
writers. Meaningful content is favored by search
To begin with, keyword research involves on your website?
engines, but if you aren’t using the words or
identifcation of words or phrases the general
phrases that people are actively searching for, „ Can people fnd what they are looking for
public uses when searching for information
you are missing out on a lot of opportunities. when they search these terms?
online. This encompasses the search volume
But the value of your keywords goes far beyond and the competitiveness of these specifc „ Will they be happy with what they fnd on
basic SEO copywriting. terms. your website?
„ Will this traffc result in your desired goals?
Close your eyes and try to imagine a place When done correctly, keyword research lays
where search engines didn’t deliver traffc. the foundation for the creation and execution
Knowing which websites are already ranking
of content development. Keywords are typically
Would keyword research still be important? You for your chosen keywords gives you an inside
separated and grouped according to the
can bet your bottom dollar it would be. look at what your competition is doing.
number of words within the query. Keyword
Performing keyword research also gives you
phrases containing more words usually rank
At its very essence, keyword research is an idea of how hard it will be for you to rank
higher, which means there is usually less
market research. Not only does it tell you what equally as high using that term.
relative competition.
people are interested in, but it also gives you
Keyword research also uncovers hidden
the exact quantity of people. It also reveals the
Two Schools of Thought opportunities you may not have found if
language people use when they think about
you didn’t do your homework. Firstly, these
particular topics, which ultimately provides you
The fne art of SEO focuses on one of two opportunities arise due to the number of terms
with valuable insight on how to converse with different areas; optimization for conversion that turn up by performing a thorough keyword
them through your custom content. purposes or optimization for traffc. Many SEOs research. Usually, there are also several
optimize heavily for increased traffc and not unanticipated keywords that score big points
Search Engines enough for conversion. Not to say that it’s bad simply because there isn’t much competition.
to optimize for traffc, but your goals need to
be clearly defned beforehand. For example,
Search engines have two major components: Tips of the Trade
an e-commerce business needs to focus their
crawling and indexing. Both of these functions
efforts into ranking well for search terms that
provide users with a ranked list of websites Keyword research tools are as close as your
are most likely to generate sales, not just gain
deemed to be the most relevant. To put things browser. Any type of informational source
new visitors. On the other hand, when your
within your industry or those of which your
into perspective, think of the Internet as a revenue is solely based on the number of page
customers provide count as keywords. There
subway system. Each stop contains a specifc views or visitors, such as in the publishing
are also specialized tools you can use to
document (a web page, JPG or PDF fle). Since or advertising business, then optimization of
“branch out” from known keywords such as
the search engines need to “crawl” the city, they traffc is going to best route to go.
Google AdWords or Bing Keyword Research
use the best path available to them. Known tool.
As with any SEO campaign, your SEO strategy
as links, these pathways help search engines
is dictated by your goals. If you goal is to
index the information users want. Keyword research is a fundamental part of
increase ROI, then you need to decide which
any effective marketing campaign. Not only do
path is going to be most effective. For example,
It’s these very links that allow automated you need to understand the demand for the
does increased traffc equate to more revenue?
robots (“crawlers” or “spiders”) to retrieve given keyword, but you also need to know the
Do you need to increase traffc for conversion-
how much work is required in order to rank
billions of interconnected content on the web.
driven keywords?
high. If you are just starting out, it may feel like
After the search engine fnds these pages, it
an uphill battle, but once you create a rhythm
deciphers the code and stores the information To be successful, SEO involves continuous
of researching keywords, the hill will be easier
for a later date. This is where keyword relevancy testing, experimenting and making
to climb.
improvements where needed. But how do
comes into play.
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