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Using A Marketing

Funnel To Pre-Sell

he marketing funnel concept (MF) involves that really doesn’t address the topic of your can learn as much or as little as they need to.
Tusing multiple promotion tools which link original offer. Don’t make up outrageous claims They feel that they understand the offer, see the
to one another strategically, in order to do the or credentials that you can’t back up. And do benefts, and are primed to make a purchase
most selling possible (within reason) before not provide so much content that visitors never when they fnally hit the purchase opportunity.
actually sending visitors to your sales page. get around to taking the fnal step. Keep them
focused on the offer. Using a marketing funnel also gives you a
Pre-selling is crucial to gaining higher traffc chance to expose traffc to related products and
conversion rates. When visitors reach your The next step might be directing them to information that helps establish the feeling that
page already intrigued, they’re on the way to reviews of your product. Preferably, of course, you are a credible authority on the subject of
developing a favorable opinion and are pre- positive reviews that will tell them how your adult entertainment and its related products,
disposed to buy your product or service. You’ve offer has proven to be a value to others, as well making your recommendations that much more
got a much better chance of making sales with as how and why they enjoyed it. Again, this is
these visitors, as opposed to traffc that comes about reviews and recommendations; don’t
to your sales page with only idle curiosity, and try to push your customers into purchasing It is important to use various selling tools
no special interest in or knowledge of your - let them realize on their own what a great and to have them fow easily together. For
product. While all traffc is good traffc, traffc opportunity they are lucky enough to have come instance, an article on a related product could
that buys is ideal traffc. across.
have a featured link to the reviews page, and
the reviews page a featured link to the product
Pre-selling is achieved by developing a MF that From there provide links to the fnal page where
page. You might also use eye-catching banner
really draws people along to your sales page. you can present the actual offer and the buyers
ads, or include links to photo galleries or videos
you’ve won over can purchase the product. Now
that further inform the user about the offer: just
The MF starts with the tools that attract the is the time to sell, but if they’ve come this far,
so long as the user ultimately winds up on the
most targeted traffc. This could be articles, don’t overdo it. Just summarize and restate the
page where they can make a purchase.
traffc exchanges, PPC ads, or e-mail campaigns value, benefts, and unique qualities they get
that distribute offers to your subscribers, such from purchasing your product or signing up for
Social networking is a great way to reach out to
as new products, coupons, sales events, brief your offer. Try to come up with an ending that
people. Play a part in top forums relative to your
video clips, photos, et cetera, that feature your is a “call to action” and appeals to them on a
product or target audience, tweet updates to
product. The goal at this point is to increase positive, emotional level to go further. Don’t
your site content and great new deals, and use
awareness among potential buyers as to how make it a “demand for action.” Now is the time
bookmarking tools to promote the new content.
unique your product is and how benefcial it can to state any guarantees or display site-security
This brings people looking to you for information
be to them. You’re lucky to be in an industry credentials that will help to allay any doubts
and original material, which enhances your
where your audience is biologically programmed about making the fnal purchase.
online reputation as an authoritative source on
with an interest in your product. You don’t want
adult entertainment. Draw these people into
to hard-sell and demand action just yet. And It’s always better to convince customers
your marketing funnel.
you want customers to focus; don’t distract that they need your product before you try to
them with options to pursue alternatives, and convince them to buy it. The trick is letting them
The best way to market your product is
not so much content that they’re overwhelmed think they’ve come to a smart conclusion on their
to market yourself. Use the knowledge and
and that innate curiosity is slaked. own, without telling them so or pushing them
experience you’ve gained to craft your online
to action. Just the feeling of being pressured
These ads can push your visitors into the next or coerced can lead customers to change their presence into one the premier sources of adult
stage, such as an article or video that further mind and never come back. If your visitors are entertainment, which brings you credibility
describes the new product and its appeal, or already half-convinced before they get there, with your audience, while using a variety of
promotes similar related topics. At this point there’s no reason to shove it down their throats marketing techniques brings your message to a
you’re trying to convince your audience that - so to speak. larger network of people. Combining different
you are an authority on the subject, and that strategies into a well-crafted MF means a higher
there’s no better place than your site to fnd In the above scenario, visitors are shown the conversion rate with your growing number of
what they’re looking for. Don’t include content product four times at a minimum, and they visitors.

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