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Writing Attractive

Meta Descriptions

To Maximize CTR

For A Website

eta descriptions are essential in attracting also give search engine users a clear picture of Fourth, utilize (but do not abuse) important
Muser traffc to websites. They encourage what the website’s content is about and gives keywords. It is hard for some to comprehend
high CTR (click through rate) from the result them a reason to click on that website. the purpose of a meta description. They view
pages of search engines like Google, Yahoo, or
it as a method of increasing search engine
Bing. It may not be required to optimize these So what makes a good meta description? It
optimization by including multiple keywords
felds, but ignoring them entirely can cause should do everything possible to drive someone
matching their target audience. In actuality,
the website to lose vital amounts of traffc. It to make that decision to click. The focus must
however, the effect of meta descriptions on
does not take as much time and energy as one be placed on persuading the searcher to click,
SEO is nonexistent. Stuffng a description with
thinks, so it should be no excuse to place a while still maintaining accuracy, and thereby
focus on keeping these descriptions up to date. meeting expectations. There are fve ways keywords can actually work against a website
Here is what must be known about optimizing meta descriptions can be written to look clear, and negatively impact its traffc.
meta tags for click-through rates. helpful, and prominent to searchers.
However, keywords should not be avoided
If unaware of the term, a meta description is First, use action-oriented language. For altogether when writing a Meta description. A
a snippet of information found below the link those unaware, action-oriented language search engine will still look for search terms.
of a search result. It is used to describe the can be considered synonymous with a meta If those terms are included in the description
contents of the page to the searcher, with the description. Namely, it tells the reader exactly
then that website will appear in the search
goal of persuading the searcher to click on your what they can do if they click on the search
results and those terms will be shown in bold.
website. Words matching the search term are result. Use active verbs like “Get,” “Find” or
bolded within the description. “Reach” before using specifcs on what exactly
Finally, make it specifc and relevant to the
a reader will fnd if they click.
reader. A predictable, generic meta description
Typically, only a certain amount of people will
isn’t going to fool most prospects, even if they
scroll down to click a result at the bottom of Second, provide a solution or beneft. Inform
the page. Click amounts consistently decrease the searcher what is behind a link before they have no idea what a meta description is. It is
the further down the page the result goes click on it. If a page does not match what a important to utilize descriptive words. avoid
because more relevant results are usually at reader expects or wants, it can be bad for both unnecessary fuff and do your best to connect
the top. So if a result is at the bottom or on the reader and the website’s reputation. A with the target audience. To reiterate, it is
another page, that site is not going to garner short sentence that shows a preview of what necessary for readers to understand what they
a lot of hits. Thereby a detailed, attractive, is to come works best. Show the reader a clear will fnd when they click on a search result.
and relevant meta description becomes vital beneft of clicking on the link and reading what
to have. If a page is at the top, however, a is there. This is a chance to sell the reader on Meta descriptions are a big chance to attract
meta description still needs to be precise and the valuable information the site has to offer.
and win over potential consumers. Think of it
convincing. Otherwise a searcher will simply
as a quick sales pitch for a website. Businesses
look for another result further down. Third, keep it between 150 and 160 characters.
neglect them far too often and, as a result, lose
A general rule for meta descriptions is to keep
vital opportunities to improve CTR. With the
Several reasons exist as to why meta them under 155 characters. Unfortunately,
tips above, make sure to type out a proper meta
descriptions should be taken seriously. They Google measures descriptions by pixels, not
can improve CTR as well as allow websites characters. A meta description will automatically description for your website that will convince
to create organic ad text, and allow for an cut off after a certain width, so keeping it to less people to choose your site over a competing
increase in shares on social media sites. They than 155 characters helps keep it visible. site.

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