Page 12 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 10.02
P. 12

When building a blog, it’s important to            considered the most powerful online; The         The Category: One Tag to Bind
         start thinking about your categories      Wordpress is to these solutions what The         Them All
and tag structure ahead of writing time, to give   Google is to the search engine world, and so
yourself an idea of the structure and focus of     we’ll be using the WP terms for the two main         Think of categories in terms of a top-level
the site, rather than doing it as you go along,    semantic categories.                             navigation menu. Besides the usual “home”,
as you write and add to your content.                                                               “about” and “contact” items, you want like-
                                                       So, sure, let’s say your web log (what       minded afficianados of your subject to find
    Sure, a blog can be a journey of self-         your online diary software was initially called  what they also consider hot, right?
discovery, a diary of your day to day musings      before it became onlionized as a “blog”) will
organically chronicling your nightly ‘gasms.       be about sexy people in boots - but isn’t that       Sexy people in boots. What else do you
But if you’re planning to monetize your kinks      so general?                                      like? Think think... Nude People in Boots?
at all, you can get a step ahead of yourself                                                        Okay! Then what? Well, each of these could
(and potential competition) and target your            Before you begin realizing, as you will      have thematic angles. Such as thigh-high
audience by defining them now rather than          writing and growing your blog, that this world   latex boots? Or better yet, shiny boots (latex,
later, when somebody else might see where          you love has so many components within           leather, whatever material)? Yes yes! Then
you’re going with this and get there before you    it that it changes - or rather, crystalizes -    what? Well, you always did hanker for those
do.                                                your perception of it, thus the shape of its     calf-high chunky combat boots. With the
                                                   presentation to the global online community,     military attire to go with them, as well as their
    This will not only help you with future long-  start examining them now by defining them,       nudier, even sexier naked alternative. Or how
term search engine validity and optimization       to yourself, and thus to that greater audience,  about soft leather hiking boots? Yes! And very
of said blog, but also support your own ideas      in terms of their general categories and then    specifically L.L. Bean boots (I swear, though I
and the actual formation of what your site is      specific sub-categories.                         can’t right now confirm it, I know in my heart
and/or will be “about”.                                                                             there MUST be an L.L. Bean hiking boot
                                                       Or, in other words, tags.                    fetish)!
    A little sidenote here, to say that, though
there are many blogging and CMS (Content                                                                At any rate, broader (no this is not
Management Software) platforms, there                                                               intended to be sexist) segments we will term
is only one which is the most popular and                                                           “Categories”, and the narrower hunks (ditto)
                                                                                                    we will name “Tags”.

Optimize Search Engine Lust:
Pre-Tagging Your Blog For The
Long Term

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