Page 13 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 10.02
P. 13

Now that we’ve gotten the vague, general        even fetish (yes, Virginia, missionary is just
fuzzy “category” thing out of the way, let’s get    another kink to the kinkier among us), so use
on to the tag thing.                                that granular sub-fragmentation of research
                                                    categorization in your blogtag thematics.
The Category: The Lord of the Tag
                                                        “Traffic” would be a good tag if your blog
    Don’t use a tag that has only one page          had numerous pieces about different ways of
or article or entry associated with it, even if     acquiring traffic, or if that was its main theme -
you’re planning on expanding the number of          purchasing, trading, CPA, PPM, PPC, etc. etc.
pieces associated with that tag. While it will      - but if it’s SEO-centric, then “traffic” per se
improve your SEO in the long term, it will not      would not be an appropriate tag.
do so in the shorter term until you have a
decent amount of content to associate with              Semantically speaking, SEO can or rather
the tag.                                            should get you quality, if not voluminous,
                                                    traffic; specifying traffic as a tag for SEO
    So any tags that have only one or two           should be an after-thought, a given. So, taking
articles associated with them should be             traffic for granted, SEO should ideally be
eliminated...                                       about increasing the quality of your site, and
                                                    its appreciation by the search engines. The
    Understand that this must be a weighted,        Google’s word for this is “authority”, which
relative judgement on your part. If your tags       grants you an importance level that helps
all have only one or two associated articles to     other sites’ own authority when they link to
them at the moment, thus rendering them all         yours.
“equal”, then it makes no sense to yank ‘em
all... unless those articles are bound by wider,    The Tag: A Sub-category To Cover
more general terms your blog is actually            The Spread
                                                        So for search engines as much as for
    Why? Because. Semantics.                        information hungry boot kinksters craving
                                                    your content, definitely sub-divide categories
    Let’s face it, though an article on SEO         into tag-terms that make sense, even if that
would be about getting traffic to your site, your   means removing some entries in your blog
articles can all be differently themed - such as    from being under low-number tag items until
content writing, keywording, h-elements, etc.       you can parse them away from higher-number
etc., for SEO. In this case, their true tag should  tag clusters into something they and others
be “SEO” and not “traffic”.                         from other clusters can viably be placed
    This specificity is very important, because
though once upon a time we could “trick”                Don’t forget about those tags, though.
search engines by hyperlinking various              List them, put them aside, save them for a
topically relevant keywords almost randomly         day when you have enough articles to justify
(see those click-bait advertorial scripts           bringing them out as a nice, hefty search term
used by “sponsored content” generators),            all their own.
nowadays the SEs are smart enough to know
when such linkings are hither & thither or              You don’t need to remove them from under
actually siginificant.                              the initial tag, by the way; simply add them, if
                                                    their number is high enough, to that “new” SE-
    As a writer, before being a site marketer,      indexable, relevant tag.
focus on the sub-sub-sub-relevance of
ideas and subjects in your linking. If you’re a         So rather than looking back at search-
marketing pro, for example, think of it as micro-   relevant shoulda’s and coulda’s, you will be
niching. We all know that even mainstream           reaping the benefits of having sown that row
now is actually in and of itself a niche or         before you even reached it.

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