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users. This will result in more clicks and traffic. The attribute is “data-nosnippet” and can
Snippets preview the content on your site, be added to spans, divs, and section elements
showing that your site contains information to prevent them from being displayed.
relevant to the user’s search query. It’s also
an indicator that Google finds this information This is a good way of managing chunks of
useful. content that you don’t want to be given away
in snippets. Say, for example, you have a page
What Snippets Aren’t that reviews products, and you don’t want to
give away the conclusion of your reviews. The
By default, snippets don’t affect your search example markup would be:
rankings in Google or any other search engine.
The same still applies to this update. You’ll <p><span data-nosnippet>The new iPad</
have more control over how snippets are span> is, hands down, the best tablet for
generated and displayed in Google’s search productivity.</p>
results, which can increase traffic and the
click-through rate to your site, but your overall So, if someone were searching “best
rankings will be unaffected. productivity tablet,” this attribute would prevent
the snippet from giving away the exact answer
How To Customize Your Snippets in the search results.
There are three new robots meta tags for Conclusion
customizing what’s displayed in your snippets
and how. Google has made it clear that these new
snippet settings are actual directives and not
The “nosnippet” tag existed previously and hints. This means that Google will follow these
it’s used to exclude content from snippets. This meta tags directly as they’re implemented by
tag will basically disable snippets for your site webmasters, so take care when using them.
The first new tag is “max-snippet: number”. Also, keep in mind that, at the time of this
This tag allows you to specify the maximum article’s publishing, other search engines aren’t
length of the text in your snippet. utilizing these tags. These settings will only
show up in Google search results.
The “max-video-preview: number” tag
allows you to set the maximum length of your Another thing to keep in mind is that there
snippet’s video preview. will be no way to preview the effects of your
snippets other than waiting for the changes
Finally, the”max-image-preview: setting” to go live and propagate to the search results.
allows you to specify the max size of the Once the changes are live, you can use the
images used to preview your page. The URL inspection tool to speed up the crawling
available settings are “none”, “standard”, and process. Once Google crawls your site, you’ll
“large”. be able to view your snippet changes in love
search results.
Keep in mind, all of these tags can be
combined and used simultaneously. For The new robots meta tags will go live by the
example: end of October, so there’s still time to make
changes to your sites. Once the changes go
<meta name=”robots” content=”max- live, it could take a week for them to propagate
snippet: 75, max-image-preview: standard”> to all search results. The HTML attribute
will go live sometime before the end of the
There’s also a new HTML attribute that year, though no specific time was given for
will take effect later this year. This attribute its launch. You can keep on eye on Google’s
gives webmasters the ability to specify and Twitter account, @googlewmc, for updates
target parts of a website they don’t want to be and announcements.
displayed in snippets.