Page 37 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 10.01
P. 37

MojoHost defies Big
Tech’s dominance
with MojoShield

by Brad Mitchell                                      breach sensitive data, distribute malware or           At MojoHost, that’s something we call “bad
                                                      viruses, or worse. MojoShield detects this type    mojo.”
MojoHost launched MojoShield shortly                  of injection activity and shut it down before it
       before the European conventions in the         costs you time, reputation, and money.                 Website publishers and business owners
fall, and with that decision, we took on a billion-                                                      do not need to decide whether to mitigate
dollar industry dominated by companies which              Website owners will find MojoShield a          attacks. We should all be striving to reduce
overcharge customers because they believe             great way to mitigate Denial of Service attacks    the incidence of bad bots and malicious
those customers have no choice.                       (DDOS), and the technology works because it        attacks on the Internet. It does not make sense
                                                      protects your origin servers. When an attack       for companies to be incentivizing attacks.
     What MojoShield does is protect websites         occurs, the technology spreads high volumes        Companies should be measuring success
by living between the Internet and the origin         of website requests to alternative endpoints,      through how many attacks are avoided rather
server where the site is. This type of software       instead of at your origin servers. Mitigation      than how many are sustained. That’s why we
is called a Web Application Firewall or “WAF”         like this reduces the level of requests to your    aligned our MojoShield offering with the needs
for short. As the name implies, it’s a firewall, but  website.  Instead of your website getting          of our clients. Our goal is for fewer attacks (not
a much more sophisticated firewall than most.         bogged down and going offline (and losing          more), and our always-on solution has a pricing
                                                      visitors and money), the result is an ineffective  model that proves we are seeking to be a more
     Studies have shown that nearly half of all       attack that cannot threaten your web site          proactive provider of website security.
Internet traffic is computer bots. There are a lot    uptime.
of bots that run around doing time-saving work                                                               Huge savings are to be had with MojoShield
for humans like Google’s spider. To do those              During this event is where most competing      in part because our WAF technology billing is
tasks by hand would take an enormous amount           services would charge you based on the             on the number of requests, not bandwidth. Due
of time, and that’s why bots exist in the first       gigabytes (or terabytes) of bandwidth caused       to this, content-rich websites are protected
place. But, there are a lot of other bots running     by the DDOS. However, the MojoShield               at superior savings to competitors such as
around the Internet. Unlike self-identifying          solution does not bill based on bandwidth, and     Cloudflare. The basic MojoShield plan includes
bots (which tell you they are a computer, not         MojoHost instead opted to bill on the number       up to 10 million requests per month for just $10
a human), the majority of bots do not identify        of requests.                                       per domain.
themselves as such. They ultimately want you
to believe they are human. These types of                 A couple of years ago, one of our clients          Who can’t afford $10 a month for their
bots are responsible for all kinds of malicious       was handling his DDOS mitigation through one       website to be more secure?
activity from cyberattacks, SPAM botting, and         of our competitors operated by a technology
click fraud. Because financial gain drives most       conglomerate in California. Instead of being           If you think about it, that $10 investment
bot activity, that is the root reason it continues    always-on like MojoShield, their solution was      saves you money. Less malicious or bot web
to grow and grow.                                     “always-off” and required a manual decision        requests reaching your origin servers means
                                                      whether or not to mitigate an attack only after    that fewer server resources are required to
     For example, one simple cyber-attack is          it was detected. On top of the hefty $2,000        maintain a website, and that means faster load
spamming comment threads. These bots want             monthly service charge, they would then be         times. Custom security, access restrictions,
you to read their comments and click their links.     charged $6,000 to mitigate each attack. So,        and protection rules can be applied. Custom
Further, some bots try to find vulnerabilities in     the more that the client would get attacked,       code can also be applied and executed before
known scripts (like WordPress) or custom-             the more money the DDOS mitigation company         the request reaches your server or web site,
coded software with security holes. Once a            would make. The client told me that the            opening up a wide range of possibilities.
vulnerability is detected, bot scripts will attempt   decision to mitigate the attacks came down to
to “brute force” their way into the website           how profitable they had been that month and
back-end or databases. From there, they can           whether or not they could afford it.

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