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4. Figure Out How to Generate Signups - The want to schedule successive emails upon
frst, and the most important, element of a signup or sale, using the scheduling
an autoresponder campaign is getting feature within an autoresponder system.
the person visiting your site to sign up to You will be creating the whole campaign
your email list. Online marketers tend to text ahead of time. You should have
offer one free infoproduct or a discount
several sales funnels going on at the
coupon in exchange for an email address.
same time. For people who registered to
Make sure you have the offer clearly
get the free offer, you can start sending
visible on your home page and make the
out emails every few days to introduce
signup as simple as providing an email
your business them without the hard
address and a password.
sell. This helps them to trust you more.
5. Verify the Email Address With Your First
The emails should be messages that
Autoresponder- The frst autoresponder
they fnd helpful and always include an
should be what’s called a “double opt-in,”
unsubscribe button at the bottom that is
so that you know you have a valid email
clearly visible.
address on your list. That autoresponder
will send out an email confrming that the 9. Use Templates - Autoresponders
person asked to sign up to your email offer a variety of email templates that
list and then give them a link to click to you should make good use of in your
complete the process. If you don’t do sales campaigns. Make sure they are
that, anyone can put anyone else’s email easily legible on the smaller screens of
address and create a password that will
smartphones and tablets to increase
spam that email address with unwanted
conversions. Use some with Click-To-
Action (CTA) buttons, not links, to make
6. Second Autoresponder Sends the SignUp it easier for this demographic to buy
Offer - Upon verifcation and clicking the while on their mobile device.
link, that email should be added to your
10. Track and Test Results - Autoresponders
list of valid emails. It has now entered the
can tell you who opened your email, how
mouth of an introductory sales campaign.
many bounced, and how many clicked
The second autoresponder should also
send out the infoproduct or discount the links in your emails. You can split-
coupon that seals the deal. test headlines on emails to increase
open-rates and/or do the same with
7. Add Names After a Sale and Segment Users
CTA buttons for click-through rates.
- Another way to start the autoresponder
Keep testing to see what’s working and
is after an initial sale. If someone comes
what’s not by keeping a close eye on the
to your site and buys something, they
should have to create an account with you reporting features in your autoresponder
to fnalize the sale. This account should system. Compare results with your
also have the terms of service that allows conversion rates.
you to contact them via email. People
who have made purchases can be put automate Your Offerings and
into more than one funnel, depending on Win Big
what they bought from you. You would
Autoresponders can be used not just to send
market high end products to those that
bought premium services and low-end messages, but also infoproducts, like ebooks,
offerings for those with smaller budgets. podcasts, videos, and more. They can be used
You can also plan cross-sells and upsells to effectively create more than one sales funnel
at the appropriate time in the scheduled that is completely managed automatically,
campaign or veer off into a new funnel behind the scenes. It can keep track of every
if you close a particular offer. Diagram action a customer takes through your sales
these potential jumps in your sales funnel funnel and, then, present the best, targeted,
to know how each email sales funnel will offerings that are likely to be accepted by that
work in theory.
person. This can have a tremendous impact on
8. Schedule Successive Emails - Within the your conversion rate, increasing the amount of
email autoresponder system, you will money you make on each one too.
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