Page 38 - vol-6-7
P. 38
Changing Traffc Trends
rying to draw traffc to your site in order to convert leads to customers While it can seem intuitive and even cost-effective to employ a one-
Tis the most important goal of running a small business. Not even size-fts-all approach, this will never work in practice. A stay-at-
the product or the content of the site itself is as important as the act home mother in Ohio is not going to have the same perspective as a
of drawing interest to what you’re selling. There are a variety of ways businessman from Brisbane, and it’s for this reason that marketing
to draw in this traffc. You can temploy SEO to target certain keywords should be targeted to the specifc region that a lead lives in.
or phrases that leads are likely to use in search queries. You can target
content that leads already consume in order to turn “cold” leads into
What is geo-targeting?
“warm” ones. You can even take advantage of the veritable explosion in
social media content that’s out there. None of these strategies, though, There’s a reason why Google has been aggressively investing in geo-
are quite as effective as the latest trend in marketing--geo-targeting. location: Not only is this service useful for its ubiquitous Google Maps
In this, post, we’re going to look at what geo-targeting is, how it works,
platform, but it provides Google the opportunity to provide this valuable
and how you can use it to draw traffc to your site. data to small businesses to use for the purpose of marketing.
geo-targeting 101 In simple terms, this means that when a customer searches for Italian
restaurants, they specifcally get results from ones nearest them as
There are a variety of reasons why you might want to change traffc opposed to the most famous Italian restaurants in the world. People
trends. It might be because you want to increase sales on your site, but want quick, reliable results, and they’ll get those with this geo-location
it can just as easily be something as simple as driving up newsletter feature.
subscriptions. In many ways, the way you optimize your site is like a
science experiment. You tinker with the formula, change a few variables, This will also affect the way that results are presented from country
and then sit back and watch to see where the data goes. to country. Along with catering to the lead’s geographical location, the
dominant language will also be used. After all, it wouldn’t make much
While this trial and error approach can be useful, it can also be time- sense for a lead in Malaysia to be presented with results in English.
consuming and ultimately lead you in circles. Instead of dealing with all Another often overlooked aspect of this is the dominant currency used
of this hassle, many small business owners and site administrators are in any given location. Instead of the American dollar, prices will be
turning to the proven method of geo-targeting. presented in the pound or Euro for a lead in the UK, for instance.
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