Page 46 - vol-6-7
P. 46

Beneft 3: Lower overhead costs. while the business manages the majority
of the development software and tools
Because the resources required to develop,
used to create new software products.
test and deploy new software products are only
accessed as needed, businesses no longer need � Private hosted. The PaaS provider provides
to front the bill for costly server, bandwidth and complete management of the behind-the-
storage resources that are only needed during
scenes development and testing platform
certain periods of time.
while the business manages the private
cloud stack on which it is hosted.
With the advent of PaaS, it is now possible
to control new product development costs � Private managed. The PaaS functions as a
by paying for only the resources that are
type of contractor hired by the business
needed when they are needed. It also becomes
to manage the platform on a private cloud
possible to free up internal company resources
by controlling for bandwidth and server drain
during the product testing phase. � Private unmanaged. The PaaS and cloud
server are managed by the business.
Beneft 4: Maximize employee productivity.
Here, it is easy to see how businesses and
PaaS offers companies the ability to maximize organizations have the fexibility to select the
their employees’ time and productivity by
level of security, control and speed required to
removing the need to select, install, maintain
do business in a variety of unique arenas.
and troubleshoot in-house development tools.
PaaS provides development teams with a
Beneft 6: Niche market specialization is
tested, proven, stable platform from which to
develop new software and takes the burden of
maintaining that software away from individual
Different PaaS providers have developed
specialized services to cater to different highly
In this way, IT professionals can work from specialized niche industries and markets.
a stable platform to develop innovative new
software products and quickly adapt to So for companies that want to develop
changing market demands as needed. In the products such as proprietary mobile apps,
same way, companies can outsource some of
application program interface (API) products,
their IT function to the PaaS provider, saving on
software to analyze big data and other
overhead that stems from in-house employee
specialized products, there are PaaS providers
recruiting, benefts and management costs.
that have assembled the unique suite of tools
Beneft 5: Customizable for different business tailored to each of these needs.
By understanding where PaaS fts into the
PaaS has the capacity to provide a customizable bigger picture with IaaS and SaaS, organizations
solution for customers with different security
can maximize the advantages of each offering
and management needs. These examples
on a stand-alone or combined basis. As well,
highlight the fexibility of PaaS to meet each
by learning about the range of PaaS options
organization’s unique needs:
available in today’s marketplace, small and
� Public hosted. The PaaS provider manages large, mainstream and niche businesses can
all aspects of the behind-the-scenes fnd the precise suite of tools required to
development and testing platform so the minimize overhead and maximize productivity.
business can focus on the development
process itself.
Perhaps most importantly, with the underlying
� Public managed. The PaaS provider fexibility PaaS offers to meet the range of data
manages the platform on a public cloud security and development infrastructure needs
server of the business’s choice. of different businesses, the economies of scale
� Public unmanaged. The PaaS provider PaaS offers are now accessible to a wide variety
manages the underlying infrastructure of businesses and organizations.

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