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your phone (who will ideally be you) can log Add Admin Dashboard Security
into your blog.
In addition to accessing your login page,
Login With Your Email hackers can also wreak havoc from your
admin dashboard. Your admin dashboard
WordPress is set up by default to make you is the hub of your site, so it’s essential that
log into your blog by using your WordPress you protect it. You can do this by password-
username. You can change that to where you protecting the wp-admin directory of your
log in using your email instead. This could site. This directory is the equivalent of the
make your blog more secure since anyone heart of your site. Corrupting it could corrupt
can find out your username, but not everyone your entire site. Make it so that users have to
can find out your email address. If you have input an additional password to get into this
multiple users who can log into your blog, portion of the site if needed.
there are numerous security plugins you can
use on your WordPress site to make it so that Encrypt Data With SSL
they have to sign in with their emails also.
SSL is the acronym for Secure Socket
Rename Your Login URL Layer. It is one of the smartest certificates
for securing admin data on the web. SSL
By changing your login URL to something secures the data that’s transferred between
more unique, you can eliminate up to 99% user browsers and the server, which makes
of those hackers who try to hack into your it more difficult for hackers to break through.
blog by brute force. The way this works is A SSL certificate is something that you must
by making it so that only the person with the purchase. Some hosting companies provide
exact URL of your login page can log into them, and you can also purchase them from
your blog. WordPress has an app called the third-party sources.
iThemes plugin that can help you do this.
Make sure that you change all three login Use a Creative Admin Username
URLs: wp-login.php, /wp-admin/, and /wp-
login.php?action=register. By default, many WordPress blogs have
“admin” as their usernames. You should
Change Your Passwords definitely change this, and try to change your
admin username to something that others
This might seem like such an obvious wouldn’t easily guess.
tip, but it really is one of the most helpful.
The longer you keep the same password, Monitor Your Files
the more likely it will be that hackers will
stumble across it one day. Play around with It’s important to remember to monitor your
your passwords and change them regularly files and periodically check for breaches in
using a combination of upper and lower case security. The sooner you catch a security
letters, numbers and special characters. Long breach, the sooner you can go about
passphrases are okay since they are easier addressing it and making sure that it doesn’t
for you to remember but harder for hackers to happen again. Plus, the sooner you catch a
predict than shorter passphrases. breach, the sooner you can try to minimize the
damage done. There are plenty of security
Log Out Idle Users Automatically plugins that you can add to your WordPress
blog to help monitor its security.
People who are logged into your site for
a long amount of time but who aren’t actively If you want to keep your WordPress blog
doing anything leave your site vulnerable to truly your own, you’ll want to make sure that
attacks. Any hacker could end up changing you keep it secure. By following the above
information on your site, altering user profiles tips, you can help secure your website.
are even breaking your entire site. You can
help prevent this from happening by logging
users out after they have been idle for a
specified period of time.
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