Page 11 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 8.7
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Unfortunately, the negative results have a control over the narrative of your name. Lay
tendency of rising straight to the top of the out the individual groundwork that will equate
search results. to great authority across the social media
platforms. You want to cover all the classic
How Can you defend yourself? ones from Twitter to LinkedIn to Facebook to
Google+. You may even want to take control
One of the best defenses that you can over some of the lesser known sites like
make with reputation management is through Slideshare, Crunchbase and Quora. Once you
aggressive offense. Go on the attack with have finished doing this, you should remember
good reputation management skills. First, to optimize your profiles, which gives you the
you might clean up your current situation. maximum SEO benefits.
For example, you can’t improve what you’re
not aware of. Google yourself to see what Publish Content regularly
comes up within the first couple pages. You
might have negative or irrelevant content that Building and optimizing a website and its
you could control. For example, you might see social media properties are only one part of
a wild bachelor party or old websites. You the actual battle. You will also have to prove
can delete these things if need. You might to the search engines that these properties
also review everything on your Twitter and have enough value to warrant getting a higher
Facebook history. Anything that looks sketchy ranking than the negative. One of the ways
or damaging can be flagged and deleted. that you can do this is through regular updates
on your website. You also want the content
After you have cleaned up your social to be something that your audience will find
media feeds, you can make these things helpful. Are you having trouble with getting
public without a fear of repercussions. started? One of the things that you could do
would be if you were to distill your expertise
into manageable and desired content. You
register your name as a domain might also make slideshows or videos, which
name are seen as the “sweet spot” of the search
A key strong point in online insurance, you engines. Your goal will also be to show more
can prevent other individuals from taking away activity on the search engines. In this way, the
this digital real estate from you. In addition, you more positive results of your online reputation
prevent people from later using it against you. will be ranked over the negative blatherings of
You don’t have to stop there, however. In fact, some anonymous person.
you can build up this website as a central hub
with plenty of positive information about you. Important to remember, you should always
For example, you might publish your relevant remain authentic with your blog posts and
social media postings. People can spot the
experience with jobs, you might post blog
difference between someone who has been
articles and show your honors and awards.
With this website at the top of the search personable and a robotic feed. You may
engines, you can rest assured that when even start real conversations with people
people look for your name, they discover the as a reason for them to follow you. Maybe
you’re representing a business, and if so,
positive things that you want them to find. You
reputation management becomes even more
can’t achieve a better first impression than
this. important. A recent survey found how 84
percent of customers trusted online reviews
as a personal recommendation. That means
securing your name you could be in serious trouble if you have
Websites can do a lot of positive things not taken the correct measures to protect
yourself through reputation management.
for reputation management, but this only
populates a single position in the search
engine results. You need a minimum of 10
ranking properties if you want to take full
PayOutMagazine 11