Page 44 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 8.1
P. 44
2. Make plans to socialize people who work from home feel overwhelmed
by the fact that they technically never “leave
It’s easy to avoid going out when you work the office.” This feeling can be true for cam
from home. After all, you’re exhausted from models, too. You may not like your place of
a day of work, so why not crawl into your personal intimacy being the same place that
cozy bed and watch a few shows? Downtime you use for business. Bonus: Some states offer
is important and deserved, but working from pretty cool tax write-offs if you have a separate
home can be an isolating experience. Make an home office used just for business.
effort to go out and socialize before cabin fever
begins to set in. For some people it helps to
6. remember to shutdown
have a weekly or biweekly event to look forward
to. Something like a dinner or a spa day with
At the end of each workday, remember the
friends might be your idea of a good day out.
importance of shutting down and stepping
For others, the need to socialize may be more
away from work. Those who have a traditional
frequent. Consider volunteering somewhere or
workplace get this by default; most jobs don’t
joining a club that fits your interests and gets
let you sleep at your desk. So keep that in mind
you out in the world.
if you feel guilty about stepping away from the
screen. You’re entitled to decompress from a
3. Stick to your weekends long day of work. And you don’t need to be
accessible every waking hour. A little bit of
Although it’s tempting to be online as much mystery can be exciting for your followers.
as possible, you need to get rest and take
care of yourself to perform at your best. Your Remember that balancing your work and life
“weekend” may not be a traditional Saturday as a cam model can be difficult at first. You may
and Sunday off, but try to look at your schedule need to spend a little time figuring out what
and make note of your most productive times routine and rhythm works best for you. But you
and days. If there seems to be a time and day will ultimately be successful when you prioritize
that is routinely less productive, consider work, self-care, and the positive aspects of
taking that time for yourself. This way, you being autonomous. Many people work their
won’t feel like you’re missing out on work, and entire careers for a taste of the freedom cam
you’ll be able to fully relax. models get to enjoy every day. Not only do
you get to work from the comfort of your own
4. Take advantage of what home, but also you get to do something that
traditional employees can’t brings pleasure into the world. Being a cam
model is an empowering and important job.
There are a lot of perks to having free time Treat yourself with the respect you deserve
during the day. If you find yourself working a by taking care of your work and personal life.
lot at night, make the daytime your playground. And you’ll find that balancing personal and
Take advantage of things like off-peak vacation professional life can be quite rewarding.
time, or keep it simple by snagging an awesome
lunch special at that snazzy restaurant you’ve
been dying to try. You’ll also find it’s much
easier to get your hair and nails done while
others are stuck to their desks.
5. Create a designated space for
While many cam models use their bedroom
as their workplace, you may want to consider
creating a separate space for work. It’s not
a necessity, but if you have the space it can
help you balance your work and life. A lot of