Page 14 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 8.0
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Tags To Tide You Over ‘Til Tomorrow
xcuse the alliteration in the title. It was hard Which is our loss. And there are three important used to illustrate an article. Your alt should
Eto resist, and somewhat inspired by the topic ones we should have direct access to, or, if not, really say something like alt=”Photo of the 2017
at hand. get a plug-in that does the job. Payout Magazine Company Picnic.”
Tomorrow is yesterday in our lack of use and Remember the alt-tag? Or the headings? And, The SE then doesn’t really need to see the
acceptance and application of certain tags and third, the title attribute (so called because it’s image to know what it contains; similarly if your
elements in html due to “advances” in tools. actually part of a tag)? image is a pencil sketch, painting, or cartoon.
These advances in site-building technology are Your alt should at least mention the medium,
creeping to replace our technical know-how Now, understanding and using these properly and the subject of the art.
with ease and useability, and we are losing a few will not absolutely transform your site’s
things. performance in search engines or its display It might seem like stating the d’obvious, but
on browser screens, but cumulatively they do most people just don’t use their alt tags, so it
As use of CMS (Content Management Software) and will have an effect, and in their definitions bears mention. Just check, do a “view source”
programs has, since Mambo and Drupal and can help make your site easier to understand, on any randomly selected site. Check your own,
now their descendants Wordpress and Joomla, navigate and read (for both types: human even if you’re using a CMS (which if you’re using
increased the rate and ease at which we build viewers and search engine spiders). it right, should give you the chance to fill out
our sites, we’re losing sight of some of the the alt upon uploading an image). Some alt-
basics we had to learn before these platforms Starting with alt tags, let’s just say they allow tagging will be present, but not necessarily
leapt out of the blogging sphere. search engines to “see” images and graphics. to the satisfaction of an image search for the
Technically, the search engine bots don’t see Payout Magazine company supper, unless it was
CMS programs are no longer used just for the content of pictures, and a caption will be described in the alt tag.
blogs. Increasingly huge, intricate, and detailed just more on-page content for a search engine,
web destinations have been built using these which isn’t necessarily bad, but more useful to Once upon a time, floating your cursor/pointer
open-source packages. Many have ceased to a human. over an image would produce a small floating
resemble blogs in any way, and the respective bubble of text above your hover, representing
admins for Joomla and Wordpress have become But the alt tag will (or should) tell the search the content of the alt tag. But alt tags no longer
site-building command centers with an engine what the image depicts. do this (unless your entire set up from operating
increasing number of plug-ins and add-ons system to browser is absolutely back-dated,
which today would confuse users of the earlier (By the way, the alt is an attribute within an and even then I wouldn’t be so sure).
versions if it weren’t for the logos branded at image tag, and not a tag in and of itself; it
the the top corner of each “dashboard”. just seems to have developed this “alt-tag” The alt tag should especially be used on sites
name, probably because of aforementioned that are image/graphic/picture heavy and light
However one thing (actually three things) the alliteration). on content (btw “content” is text, especially
use of these powerful and handy programs has to search engines; images aren’t considered
lost us is our actual contact with the code. For example, if you post a logo to your site, content to them, as such). After all, what is
you shouldn’t just put alt=”” or alt=”Logo”; a spider-bot-SE-crawler to crawl if all your
Nowadays we hardly resort to looking at a although the latter is preferable to the former, images are alt-less?
template with the naked eye, let alone tinker it’s still somewhat generic. Your site or company
with the tags, elements and attributes, so as name should really precede “Logo”. For example, a site which has a pictographic
to not tamper with something in the greater or graphically-recounted guide to certain step-
machine. Another case, to be more specific, is a photo by-step operations, such as how to add more
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