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coordinate how a single company site will be And, of course, fx anything untoward they
marketed. fnd.

In other words, a webmaster is any and many And then there’s marketing, and search-
things, and we all shouldn’t get too hung up engine optimization. While they aren’t always
on exact delineations of what and what isn’t
so intricately woven together, best practices
would suggest they should be - and again,
that would be a webmaster thing.
Having said that, let’s look at what a
professional webmaster’s job/s can be said to
Now whatever a webmaster does, the
ultimate goal is to drive traffc to the owner’s
site. And in so doing, hopefully, providing the
When an entrepreneur in any industry know
they want to invest in a product, outlet or any site is properly optimized, getting it to rank
business venture, they will hire supervisors higher in search-engine results.
and managers who know the industry in
particular. Now without necessarily being programmers,
or “deep coders”, webmasters must at this
When it comes to the web, this person will point know something of programming. After
often be called the webmaster, whose job will all, technically, once you’re past the english
range from selecting a domain name to type of
language, the simple language of HTML is basic
font to use on the pages.
programming of a site-page’s presentation to
a viewer.
So a webmaster will advise the owner on the
what and where to buy for a domain name.
This passing to profound knowledge of
This will be followed by the choice of hosting
“programming” must allow our harried
company and type of hosting. And then there’s
webmaster to be able to understand how
backing up and creating an emergency back-
to install tracking on the site to be able to
up procedure in case anything ever happens to
determine the success, or lack thereof, of
a site’s online existence.
traffc to and optimization of the site.
Once a site is online and being marketed
(we’re skipping a step here, but please Now while not necessarily having to be a
allow...), a webmaster is responsible for the designer, a webmaster must know enough of
site’s maintenance. web design on a coordinating level so they
understand just how it might be affecting
This can mean updating content, page load, visual presentation of content and
commissioning textual material or obtaining
getting viewers to view where it best suits the
visual, illustrative graphics or photos,
site-owner’s bottom line.
ensuring visual presentation is consistent
throughout the site as a whole, or within
Basically, a “true” webmaster can fulfll any one
various sections and sub-sections, checking
of the various aspects of a site’s production,
browser compatibility, verifying broken links,
deployment and subsequent marketing and
and so on.
propagation. Ideally, a webmaster can muster
enough knowledge of all these aspects to
Then there’s troubleshooting - looking
for problems that aren’t even necessarily actually represent the history and evolution of
there. This involves a lot of clicking-through mastering the web since the term came into
the site to make sure it’s all running well existence (roughly around the same time as
and nothing has come undone. Testing for the beginning of the internet) for a site, be it
pageloads, ease-of-use and functionality, their own or in the employ of another.
which can be anything from presentation and
clarity to straight-forward and/or consistent But remember, a webmaster can also be a
navigation. good salesman for your tittie program.

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