Page 12 - Payout Adult Industry Magazine Volume 6.5
P. 12

Social Media

Optimization: Killer Tips

ocial media is becoming a crucial area of differ. Facebook is more of a community and Be Consistent
Soutreach for both individual stars and lets you share a variety of different content.
companies. It’s more important than ever to It is very common across all users of social
Twitter is more suitable for quick, frequent
master social media because it has a unique media to see new people sign up with an initial
shares. Reddit is a heavily community-centric
power to draw in audiences and keep them burst of activity, which then dies out a week
platform that can give you direct engagement
engaged. However, if you don’t take a coherent or a month later. Don’t fall into that same
approach with a defned strategy and follow with fans. Tumblr is good for repositories of trap. It is much better to make less frequent
some basic guidelines, you can wind up images or long-form articles. You don’t need
but consistent posts than to go overboard in
wasting your time and your opportunity. In this to use all of them, but know the roles of each
the beginning, followed by burning out. Social
article we will run down some of the best tips
one so that you are making the most of your media is very exciting at frst, but many people
for tapping into the power of social media.
time. For example, to advertise a new scene fnd it to be draining or irritating over time.
you could post a description on Facebook with Part of this comes from an attempt to maintain
Be Organic
a short intro video, share some enticing still that initial high level of activity. It is better
It can be tempting to buy followers and images on Twitter for a few days, and host a to start out at a slower pace and build up to
likes, artifcially pumping up your social media Q&A session on Reddit with a star. That is a where you feel comfortable. If you make a blitz
of status updates and tweets every day for your
presence for more visibility, however this is a simple social media marketing campaign that
frst week, that’s what people will expect from
mistake. The big social media platforms as well uses three platforms, some existing content,
then on. Trying to meet those expectations for
as Google have become quite good at spotting and a little bit of time over the space of about a
months afterward is what burns people out.
this kind of thing, and you run the risk of some week to build hype for something new.
Instead, set a cap on how much you will do
serious consequences if you try it. Instead, use
per day for the beginning, and then post more
good content to organically gain a following.
Be Interactive
This is a slower but steadier approach. often once you are familiar with the platforms
and have found your own voice. Overdoing
One of the core values of social media is
guest Appearances and interactivity and immediacy. You should be yourself on pace is a recipe for disaster.
accessible to fans because they can now reach As you can see, there is a lot of strategy
out to you directly. Don’t just post what you that goes into social media. This is not just
Especially when you are frst getting started,
one of the best moves to make is to cultivate a want to post and leave: have some back and to get maximal exposure, but to maintain
relationship with a more visible and established forth with the audience. Otherwise, it’s nothing your audience’s interest and keep your
presence, whether that be a star or a company. more than a blog. The fans should feel as if they own motivation strong through managed
Make guest posts on their blog, appear in joint have a connection with you when they engage expectations. Don’t expect to skyrocket to the
content on Facebook or Twitter, and think of on social media, and you need to reinforce that top from the beginning: it takes a long slog
ways to put your brand in front of their audience. by staying in touch with them. You don’t need of small audience numbers before you really
The key is that your established partner has a break out. It is easy to send out a few tweets
to forge actual relationships with individuals
large, built-in audience of interested followers. or posts a day, but keep up with it and don’t
if you don’t have the time or the interest,
If you can make a name for yourself in front of fall behind. If you do that, then your small,
but occasionally respond to retweets and
them, you can add some of them to your own daily investment will eventually pay off and
comments and so on to maintain that personal
audience. reward you with a loyal audience. Of course, it
outreach. Getting your audience to frst follow
is not easy to turn social media followers into
you is one thing, but then you have to maintain
Know the Platforms customers, but they are certainly much closer
the audience with interaction and accessibility. to being customers than the average person,
It’s very important that you get to know the Don’t neglect the second point at the expense so it’s a strong start. Keep at it and keep these
different social media platforms and how they of the frst. tips in mind, and you’ll do great!

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