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How to Build an SEO

Strategy for

Long-Term Results

f you’re in the process of creating an SEO and forget it” proposition. Search engine blogging platform. This will keep more valuable
Icampaign for your business, you have to algorithms as well as user search habits are SEO juice “in-house” instead of beneftting an
make a key strategy decision right out of the constantly changing and evolving over time,
outside blogging company.
gate that will determine the ultimate success of and so should the list of targeted keywords that
your efforts. Get it right and you stand a decent you’re optimizing for. With the help of Google 4. get Social
chance of seeing your website rank well in the Analytics, you can determine which keywords
search results both now and in the future. Get are delivering the best converting traffc and The traditional lines between SEO and social
it wrong and any positive SEO results that you re-optimize your content and internal links media have become blurred, and most experts
achieve will likely not stick, causing visitor as needed. Remember that long-tail keyword agree that a strong social presence is a critical
traffc to your site to trickle away at any time phrases typically deliver more targeted traffc,
component in building a strong standing in the
and without warning. and are generally easier to rank for than
search engine rankings. While social signals
the shorter keywords that everyone else is
Many website managers are overly focused on pursuing. are not believed to be an actual factor in most
immediate results. While getting your website search ranking algorithms, they nonetheless
to the frst page of Google’s search results as 2. have great Content in Place beneft the SEO process. If your website has
quickly as possible is a worthy goal, it runs Before You Implement Your plenty of backlinks that appear to support your
counter to how SEO really works. Ethical, SeO
claim as an authority site for your niche, the
or white-hat, SEO – the kind that the search
Even the best SEO campaign can’t overcome search engines would expect that your content
engines reward with top ranking - simply
a lack of user-helpful content on your website. would be creating a “buzz” in social media
cannot be rushed. It takes time and hard work
It’s like setting up a neon sign in front of
to create the type of authority site that delivers circles as well. A strong social presence will
an empty storefront – even if you attract a
a great experience for the search engine user also drive more referral traffc to your site, and
prospect’s attention, there’s simply no place
and Google knows it. generate links as your content gets shared.
for them to go. If visitors to your site can’t
Your frst big decision then is whether to fnd what they need or fnd a solution to their 5. Take the Time to attract
problem, they’ll quickly go elsewhere – and
pursue short-term SEO goals for generating google-approved Backlinks
your search rankings will suffer accordingly. A
quick search rankings that may vanish
overnight, or to build a sustainable long-term body of great content will also make it easier While much has been written about Google’s
traffc model that will deliver targeted traffc to for you to attract good backlinks from high
present position on backlinks, the short and
your site for years to come. authority third-party websites and blogs.
sweet of the matter is that Google wants to
3. Blog on a regular Basis see naturally-occurring and editorially-earned
While no one can accurately predict the future
of search engine updates and terms-of-service backlinks from relevant authority websites.
A company blog is absolutely essential to
changes, there are a number of key “evergreen” the long-term success of your SEO efforts. Anything less might appear as if you’re trying
tactics that have successfully weathered the
Assuming that it’s well-written and relevant to “game the system” and is likely to earn your
test of time, and can help keep your website
to your target customers, a blog can deliver a site a penalty from Big G. Rather than buying
on track for SEO success in the long run. Here’s
steady fow of leads, attract quality backlinks, backlinks that typically leave a “footprint” for
a closer look at some of the most important
and provide additional content for the search Google to follow, cultivate relationships with
concepts that you should consider for your
engines to index and rank you for. As for
long-term digital marketing program. the top bloggers that cover your industry or
topics, you should focus on information
niche. Create and share unique and original
1. Conduct Ongoing Keyword related to your particular niche such as how- content that their audience would want to read
research and Testing to articles and company updates and trends. If
at all possible, set up your blog on your main and the backlinks will follow – slowly but surely.
Keyword research should not be a “set it company website as opposed to a third-party Just the way the search engines want to see it.

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