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you use and not Why Not linking to Your Social
This is because .com is hosted at WordPress Network Site is a Mistake
and .org is what you should install on your
Social Media is here to stay, and many
self-hosted site.
businesses beneft from having a presence on
sites such as Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.
The advantages of Include:
For that reason, you simply must not forget
to link to your social media platform. Your
� Thousands of premium and free themes to
visitors should be able to go from your website
choose from, eliminating your need to hire
to one of your social media sites and back with
a Web designer.
very little effort. You can make this possible
� Plug-ins for just about everything that are through the use of links. The idea is for you to
market your business by using social media. In
both easy to activate and easy to set-up.
this way, you will drive a lot of traffc to your
� You don’t need any coding knowledge to website.
use the amazing pro features in WordPress.
Why having Outdated
� Video tutorials will to teach you how to Information on Your Site is a
set up your domain name and install
WordPress. Why Failing to Place Your Phone Number and outdated content on your site. There’s simply
One of the worse things you can do is have
cam summit, awards & campus Address on Your Site is a Mistake no excuse for including old and outdated
information on your site. The best way to
If the purpose of your website is to sell a prevent this is to check your site daily and make
product or service, you must offer your visitors sure it is always fresh and updated. Besides,
May 25-28 (31), 2016 a number of ways to contact you. The best way keeping your site up to date and making sure
to do this is to put a link entitled, “Contact Us” your content is accurate will certainly add to
that will lead to where a potential customer can your credibility.
Lloret de Mar, Spain fnd information such as your e-mail address,
phone number, and/or mailing address. Every Why having a Slow load Time is
page of your website should have this link on a Mistake
it. The presence of this information not only
The Most makes it easy for potential customers to reach will wait more than four seconds for your site
You can’t expect that a potential customer
International you but also adds legitimacy to your site. to load according to a study done by Akamai
Technologies. If your site takes more than four
Cam Summit! Why having Broken links on seconds to load, your potential customer will
Your Site is a Mistake
most likely click away. Therefore, if your site
does take longer than that to load, you should
We’ve all run into them from time to time. Just
remove things such as images that are too
think about how frustrating they are to you,
large, a Flash introduction, or special add-
the user. What am I talking about? All those ons because they may be the cause of slowing
The Party with”404,” or do nothing, are an extreme down your site’s loading.
hyperlinks that lead you to error pages labeled
annoyance when surfng the web.
As you develop your website, it is most
important that you keep all of these issues in
Is YOU!!! site at least weekly to make sure all of your links mind. Not only is it imperative that you have a
That’s why it is imperative that you test your
website for your business, but you must also be
work as they should. It is also a good idea to
able to drive loads of traffc to it. Then, the real
include a link entitled “Contact the Webmaster”
in order to allow your visitors to let you know if challenge is keeping your visitors there long
enough for them to evaluate your business and
they come across a broken link on your site so decide that you offer the services or products
that you can immediately fx it. they seek.
26 PAYOUTMAGAZINE Sponsored by
you use and not Why Not linking to Your Social
This is because .com is hosted at WordPress Network Site is a Mistake
and .org is what you should install on your
Social Media is here to stay, and many
self-hosted site.
businesses beneft from having a presence on
sites such as Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.
The advantages of Include:
For that reason, you simply must not forget
to link to your social media platform. Your
� Thousands of premium and free themes to
visitors should be able to go from your website
choose from, eliminating your need to hire
to one of your social media sites and back with
a Web designer.
very little effort. You can make this possible
� Plug-ins for just about everything that are through the use of links. The idea is for you to
market your business by using social media. In
both easy to activate and easy to set-up.
this way, you will drive a lot of traffc to your
� You don’t need any coding knowledge to website.
use the amazing pro features in WordPress.
Why having Outdated
� Video tutorials will to teach you how to Information on Your Site is a
set up your domain name and install
WordPress. Why Failing to Place Your Phone Number and outdated content on your site. There’s simply
One of the worse things you can do is have
cam summit, awards & campus Address on Your Site is a Mistake no excuse for including old and outdated
information on your site. The best way to
If the purpose of your website is to sell a prevent this is to check your site daily and make
product or service, you must offer your visitors sure it is always fresh and updated. Besides,
May 25-28 (31), 2016 a number of ways to contact you. The best way keeping your site up to date and making sure
to do this is to put a link entitled, “Contact Us” your content is accurate will certainly add to
that will lead to where a potential customer can your credibility.
Lloret de Mar, Spain fnd information such as your e-mail address,
phone number, and/or mailing address. Every Why having a Slow load Time is
page of your website should have this link on a Mistake
it. The presence of this information not only
The Most makes it easy for potential customers to reach will wait more than four seconds for your site
You can’t expect that a potential customer
International you but also adds legitimacy to your site. to load according to a study done by Akamai
Technologies. If your site takes more than four
Cam Summit! Why having Broken links on seconds to load, your potential customer will
Your Site is a Mistake
most likely click away. Therefore, if your site
does take longer than that to load, you should
We’ve all run into them from time to time. Just
remove things such as images that are too
think about how frustrating they are to you,
large, a Flash introduction, or special add-
the user. What am I talking about? All those ons because they may be the cause of slowing
The Party with”404,” or do nothing, are an extreme down your site’s loading.
hyperlinks that lead you to error pages labeled
annoyance when surfng the web.
As you develop your website, it is most
important that you keep all of these issues in
Is YOU!!! site at least weekly to make sure all of your links mind. Not only is it imperative that you have a
That’s why it is imperative that you test your
website for your business, but you must also be
work as they should. It is also a good idea to
able to drive loads of traffc to it. Then, the real
include a link entitled “Contact the Webmaster”
in order to allow your visitors to let you know if challenge is keeping your visitors there long
enough for them to evaluate your business and
they come across a broken link on your site so decide that you offer the services or products
that you can immediately fx it. they seek.
26 PAYOUTMAGAZINE Sponsored by