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Website Development:

Don t Commit these


� You are behind the times since you are
running your business website with free
blogging software.

At this point, you’re probably thinking none of
including the domain name. On the other hand,
this is true. However, your potential customer
a website that is hosted by a third party such
will most likely think that at least one of these
as Google,, Weebly or WordPress, is
things is true, if not all of them.
n today’s world, people turn to the Internet owned by the host as well as all the information
Ifor just about everything. Phone books are on it. The features and growth potential of Therefore, avoid the mistake of not going pro
a bygone thing. People just don’t use them these third party websites are far too limiting. and having a top notch online presence. You
anymore. Your best marketing tool today is your The scariest thing of all about them is the third can do this by simply hosting your site with your
online website. You don’t want to send potential party can take down your website, without any own domain name. It is not very expensive and
customers running. The fact of the matter is, warning, whenever they decide to. is easy to do even if you’re a non-techy type.
what you do want is to draw customers. That’s
why developing a website is frst and foremost By having your website hosted by a free
Why Failing to Use a Content
for any business. For that reason, avoiding these service with domains such as WordPress or Management System is a
common mistakes is essential for developing blogpost gives your potential customers these Mistake
a website that will not only draw potential false impressions:
customers but also keep them there. A blogging and website platform such as
� You don’t make enough money with your WordPress that you can install on your site will
Why having Your Website business to be able to afford your own allow you to control the design, pages, blog,
hosted by a Third Party is a domain name or you simply aren’t very and many other things on your website. Best of
Mistake serious about your business. all, it is totally free and easy to install. If you are
techy enough to write a Word document, you
By having your website self-hosted, you � You are not a professional, and what will certainly be able to use website platforms
actually own your site as well as everything on it, you’re doing is just a hobby. such as WordPress. However, it is essential that

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