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Chat Bots Social Media Has Leveled the A Brand-New Job Market
Playing Field
Chatbots are adding a personal touch to The prevalence of digital marketing and
online digital engagement even when there’s Organizations big and small have access to social media has created new industries.
no one at the office. In 2018, there were more social media. Marketing budgets no longer have SEO experts, social media managers, web
than 100,000 active chatbots on Facebook as much sway in the reach an organization can designers, social media marketers, and
messenger. have in the marketplace, and even a modest reputation managers are all now considered
home business can get the word out to a broad legitimate career choices.
Augmented Reality and Virtual audience through social media platforms.
Reality Companies around the globe have had to
The availability of social media on
Sony has sold more than 5-million units smartphones, desktops, laptops, and tablets create new roles and fill them with tech-savvy
of its PSVR accessory, and it’s reasonable to means that it is incredibly easy to reach a individuals who understand the digital frontier
expect competing brands have also penetrated targeted audience, and it doesn’t matter and are comfortable operating in it.
the market in a similarly big way. VR is still a
whether the business takes up an entire block
niche product, but Facebook isn’t letting go of This new breed of workers is fluent in
or is a small family-run company tucked away
its plans for continued development any time technology and are adept at shifting with the
in a side street.
soon. rapid changes commonplace in the digital age.
While a few small businesses won’t pose
The Oculus Go from Facebook is a wireless much of a threat to a large global corporation, Not only is there a full range of careers which
device that makes VR incredibly accessible, thousands of them all over the world might be didn’t exist twenty years ago, but they are also
and by all reports, has been selling very well. able to make a sizeable dent in profit margins. independent of location. A web designer or
Global corporations like Ikea have already social media manager can attract clients from
experimented with VR marketing concepts, all over the world and communicate with them
Disruption to the Traditional Advertising
and more are sure to jump in as the medium Model just as easily as if they were in the next street.
matures and more people gain access.
Print publications once ruled the advertising Consumers are becoming more comfortable
Apple and Google are taking advantage of dollar, but social media has created new media with digital technology with each passing
the power of their devices with AR (Augmented giants that have had an even more significant generation and are discarding more traditional
Reality) technologies. It’s early days yet but impact on the distribution of information.
expect more to be done with this medium as forms of information gathering. Word of mouth
the power of top-end smartphones filters The traditional advertising models has largely been replaced with online reviews,
down to the mid-range market. and businesses have been quick to capitalize
have been overturned. Millennials and the
on this trend on their social media platforms.
generations that follow are permanently
Artificial Intelligence shackled to their digital devices. Anything they The majority of consumers wouldn’t think of
need to know and any item or service they
Artificial intelligence can learn people’s likes, purchasing from a company that doesn’t have
dislikes, and habits, and use this information to want to buy is available at the touch of a button. an online presence. Online reviews from real
Borders for commerce have also been blurred.
present tailor-made advertisements that talk customers have also increased in importance,
It’s just as convenient to purchase a product,
directly to customers or prospects at a time and many consumers have expressed that they
when they are most likely to be responsive. and even some services, from the other side of are not ready to buy until at least one satisfied
Some people find the concept creepy and the world as it is to travel across town. customer has validated their choice.
invasive, but there’s no denying the power of a
personalized marketing message. To become a corporation with a global There’s no doubt that social media is having
reach once took many decades, but the social
a massive impact on the global economy,
media giants have grown into billion-dollar
How Social Media Will Affect the globe-spanning companies in just a few short and will continue to do so for years to come.
Global Economy Companies who embrace the digital age and
years. As an example, Facebook and Google
The ubiquitous nature and the number of are only two companies out of thousands, but learn to manage their presence in it effectively
organizations utilizing it for marketing means their combined advertising revenues account will reveal many new opportunities. Local
social media can’t help but have an impact on for almost 60% of all online advertising businesses can now operate on a global scale
the economy on a global scale. Here are a few budgets. Not a bad result considering one through social media, insulating themselves
of the ways social media will continue to affect started in a college dorm room, and the other from downturns in the local economy while still
the world’s economy. from a suburban garage, respectively. being able to take advantage of the upswings.