Page 53 - vol-6-7
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customer themselves. Cater to their needs Take it easy on Images
and listen to what they have to say instead
It makes a lot of sense why small businesses
of thinking that you know what it is that they
would want to use plenty of images on their
sites. Social media platforms like Snapchat
The whole game has changed. All of the old and Instagram are more popular than ever,
algorithms that small businesses depended on to the point where Facebook was willing to
have been totally revamped. As a result, the spend billions on buying out the latter. Even
name of the game is adapt or die. While it can on platforms that focus on words (such as
be tempting to develop your SEO strategy all Facebook), you’re much more likely to see
on your own, it’s a much better idea to hire pictures of your friend’s latest adventures than
an SEO expert to walk you through the whole you are to see descriptions of them.
The only problem, though, is that this heavy
focus on images doesn’t always translate
Mobile-Friendliness is huge
well to a website. When a site is drowning in
pictures, especially stock images, a customer
In simple terms, more people are browsing
can quickly get turned off. If you don’t have
the internet on mobile devices than ever before.
enough information about your product or
Just because this is the case doesn’t mean you
service because you’ve used up all your space
should develop two different versions of your
on pictures, the customer won’t know enough
site. This isn’t cost-effective, and it’ll take away
to care about whatever it is that you’re putting
time that you could be spending on developing
out on the market.
a slick site. Instead, you should look into
building a site that’s smart and responds to
Just as every superhero needs to have their
whatever device the visitor might be using. If it
sidekick, every good website design should
works for WordPress, it’ll work for you.
incorporate the benefts of both SEO and
UX while minimizing the drawbacks of each.
Think Carefully Before Using Putting all of your eggs into the basket of
the Infnite Scroll one or the other will only result in a massive
loss of business once that basket eventually
It can be pretty tempting to implement an
collapses and the eggs smash on the ground.
infnite scroll feature on your site. After all,
The intersectionality of the internet is quite
it allows your visitors to scroll through all of
incredible--everything really is all connected.
the content you have without having to click
As such, it makes much more sense to take
on another page and then wait for it to load. It
full advantage of all of the latest advantages in
does come with its drawbacks, though. Infnite
search crawling technology.
scroll sites don’t show up in SEO results very
well. With that said, the best solution to this
Using either UX or SEO is not going to be
problem is to create a version of the site that
some magical panacea that will drive millions
uses pages and another that uses the infnite
of new customers to your small business. What
they will do, though, is make you competitive
in a market that has an overwhelming amount
Click-to-expand is Not Your of competent competition. Even the smallest of
Friend businesses will be able to reap the rewards of
taking a smart marketing approach as long as
Another tempting thing to do is to implement they follow these tips and employ those who
click-to-expand on your site. What this have experience in both SEO and UX. It can be
basically does is open in a new tab any tempting (and cost-effective) to want to do it
content that your visitor clicks on. While this all yourself, but it really is better to leave all of
is convenient to them since they don’t have to that to the experts.
navigate back to the original page once they’re
done, it’s not good for you. These expanded By combining the benefts of UX and SEO and
pages can’t be crawled for SEO purposes, so delivering a slick, intuitive website design,
you miss out on some precious advertising. your business is sure to expand dramatically.
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