Page 38 - volume-12-4
P. 38

ELEMENTOR                                                                                                         Pro,                               user can use their login details to w ork w ith                                                                                                    m akes it easier �or users to access their

                                                                                                                                                                                 their account, w hich is m ore convenient than
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    w ebsites using the broadest plat�orm s.

                              a prem ium plugin part o� the Elem entor                                                                                                           using the non-existent reC APTC H A add-on.                                                                                                        Both the �ree and pro versions are sim ilarly

                              W ordPress them e, is an exceptional choice �or                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       responsive since each has its custom

                              those looking to m ake their w ebsite visually                                                                                                     2.  Elementor Pro is more customizable                                                                                                             stylesheet in place �or responsiveness

                              appealing. W ith an extensive array o� �eatures                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       purposes. Still, Elem entor Pro is personalized

                              and am ple custom ization options, it com es in                                                                                                              The Flexibility o� custom izing your site                                                                                                by that  act alone. It’s also designed to

                              as pow er�ul and intuitive as it w ould have to be                                                                                                 through C SS and H TM L attributes is available                                                                                                    w ork w ith all devices, w hich is a bene�it that

                              to keep up w ith new trends.                                                                                                                       in Elem entor Pro. It allow s you to override                                                                                                      Elem entor Pro cannot give users o� its �ree

                                                                                                                                                                                 the them e’s directives,  urthering its pow er                                                                                                     version. In this case, the di��erence brings

                                                                                                                                                                                 as a com plete custom ization tool. W ith                                                                                                          us closer together: Elem entor Pro m akes it
                              Di��erences Between Elementor

                                                                                                                                                                                 plugins, how ever, it is possible to increase this                                                                                                 easier to use w eb developm ent’s  ull resource
                              Pro Versus Elementor Free

                                                                                                                                                                                 Flexibility even �urther by having a side-by-                                                                                                      potential w hile delivering on m ultiple devices.

                              1.  Elementor Pro is more expandable                                                                                                               side com parison betw een the pre-built and

                                                                                                                                                                                 custom them e layouts used �or each plat�orm                                                                                                       4.  Elementor Pro is more versatile

                                       A single-site license �or Elem entor Pro                                                                                                  w ith the click o  a button. It’s easier to w ork

                              allow s the user to install it on both personal                                                                                                    w ith the sam e them e on m ultiple plat�orm s                                                                                                               Elem entor Pro has gained recognition �rom

                              and com m ercial sites depending on w hich                                                                                                         instead o  using a “one size  its all” approach.                                                                                                   num erous independent w ebsites and blogs.

                              kind you have. In term s o� �eatures, it can                                                                                                       Elem entor Pro also allow s you to build m ore                                                                                                     It’s a quality plugin o  ering an extensive range

                              also expand w ith an array o� add-ons                                                                                                              advanced plugins, another �eature that sets it                                                                                                     o� �eatures �or pro�essional and beginner

                              purchased separately. It allow s �or a m uch                                                                                                       apart �rom its �ree version.                                                                                                                       w eb designers. H ow ever, it still has certain

                              m ore com prehensive range o� possibilities                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           lim itations that only m eet the needs o� som e

                              w hen designing your site. It is possible to                                                                                                       3.  Elementor Pro is more responsive                                                                                                               users. O ne o� those lim itations is its inability to

                              install Elem entor Pro on up to �ive w ebsites                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        incorporate som e code into its C SS stylesheet

                              and have com plete control over all o� them i�                                                                                                               Elem entor Pro w as also built to cater to                                                                                               unless you’re using W ordPress 3. x. It could be

                              you choose. Free versions o� Elem entor are                                                                                                        a broader range o� devices and brow sers                                                                                                           m ore intuitive w hen incorporating third-party

                              only installed on one site. It is m entioned that                                                                                                  com pared to the  ree version. It’s m ore                                                                                                          plugins, w hich can be a problem �or designers

                              Elem entor Pro provides you w ith the highest                                                                                                      capable o� running on desktops, m obile                                                                                                            w ho w ant to integrate them into their sites.

                              level o� control and m axim um Flexibility. The                                                                                                    phones, and tablets w ithout any issues. It                                                                                                        It’s possible to edit the plugin’s options and

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