Page 4 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 8.8
P. 4
Welcome back to Payout Magazine!
t’s with a sigh of relief that I write these words, just
Iafter the whole crazy summerstorm of tradeshows
from one side of the planet to the other... literally!
But it’s really with a lot of irony that we say things
like that, the end of the silly season, the frenzy of this
or that cycle of conventions, and so on.
Because they never end, do they? Just dip down
in frequency and then back up again, like the real
seasons, or the sun and the moon, they come and go
and then come again.
And so we can kick back and review our summer
now, as well as Pick and Choose the more casual
or interesting or uniquely located gatherings that
pepper the last financial quarter of the year, like the
Gaelic WWW Conference in Ireland, or the BCAMS
show in Romania...
And here we are again with another issue for you
of tips and tricks and internet marketing brain cases...
and after a while, reading and rereading these articles
it seems like we’re repeating ourselves to ourselves,
So in this issue we have another in our set of
cryptocurrency pieces, and more about “the future” of
affiliate marketing. Pushing the envelope with email It’s really kinda proud-making to realize that this
networking. The faces and emotions (emoticons?) on little piece of the adult internet, and by extension all
both sides of the cams. Getting the metrics on ads... of the others that make up the globe of information
this time on Facebook! Marketing via apps, and the and alt/adult/mature/erotic entertainment that is
spreading fields of mobile advertising, and how porn Porn, is getting more mainstream itself. We don’t have
or adult or dating or... nutraceuticals? make it all so to be talking about our marketing and technicals and
different yet the same strategies on new levels. technology - it’s all swarming and smooshing into one
And of course, dear memories and record-subjects overall sphere of consciousness.
of my heart, another sweet gallery of moments Wow. Kinda getting cosmic with this.
captured through my lense, this time at this year’s
Well, all this to say welcome back, it’s never
Amsterdam Webmaster Access.
tiresome and I wouldn’t be stuck in any other line of
AND I LOVE IT! work if I could choose absolutely anything! So let’s
Really, it’s not just repeating and repeating the meet up in the Baltics, have fun and drinks and chew
same old same old... I notice we’re getting better some serious matters over from our summer rush and
at it all - the photos and the slow whittling and consider how we could do business together - starting
sharpening of our business techniques. We’re getting with getting me your business cards so I can pick a
better. Wizzier! Wilier... lucky winner for a free ad in the very pages you now
And adult is just spreading its way into the
culture thanks to our porn president and the Stormy So Mulţumesc and Noroc!
Daniels denials, with our repeat engagements with
the mainstream, and the slow giving-way of those MikeB
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