Page 56 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 8.7
P. 56

Facebook Ads:

        How to Get Started

         n today’s world, digital marketing is the best   facet of your campaign. Facebook’s advertising   Location is still the key
        Iway to spread the word about your business.   platform is popular for its minimal budget
        Within  the realm  of  online  advertising,  pay-  requirements; savvy campaign managers can   Last, the most successful digital marketers
        per-click campaigns like Google AdWords and   elicit a ton of value from a shoestring budget.   are those who keep an eye on the bigger picture.
        Facebook ads are the most popular options.                                The freedom of online advertising is a blessing
        The  ideas covered  in  this  article will  help  you   Unlike  other  pay-per-click  platforms,  and a curse. On one hand, campaign managers
        understand  how  and  why  to  get  started  with   Facebook  ads  give  managers  control  of  their   have access to more tools and data than ever
        Facebook ads for your business.                                           before. On the other hand, it’s easy to doom a
                                             budget  at  the  ad  set  level.  This  encourages
                                             clever adjustment of your budget for your top   campaign to failure before it even begins.
        visualize the End result             demographics,  locations  and  other audience
                                                                                    Digital marketing is a lot like real estate in
           As with any marketing endeavor, the first part   filtering  categories.  Along  with  expanded   that  location  is  key.  For  your  ad  to  display  in
        of creating a Facebook ad campaign is knowing   levels of budget freedom, Facebook ads give   the most popular locations on Facebook, you’ll
        the full range of your options. It’s important to   managers a detailed view of the best-performing
        enter the process with an end goal in mind; do   ads in your campaign.    either need niche keywords, very selective
        you want to generate new leads, close more                                audience filtering or an expansive budget. In any
        sales or increase general awareness of your   uncovering the data         case, just like print advertising, larger and more
        brand? For each case, there are different best                            prominent Facebook ads cost more money.
        practices                              For all Facebook campaign managers
                                             — and especially those on a limited budget   Taking the element of location one step
           After setting campaign goals, your next   —  knowledge  of  Google  Analytics  can  make   further, it’s crucial to understand the built-in
        objective is to establish a target audience.   or  break  your  marketing  efforts.  Depending   demographics of Facebook at large. Facebook
        In general, more stringent campaign goals   on your goals, Google Analytics will provide   is used predominately by younger crowds.
        require a more qualified audience. If you want   detailed conversion tracking. More importantly,   If your company services older generations,
        to drive sales with as many paid clicks as   it gathers its data from the time users view your   Facebook ads may not provide the return
        possible, then you must filter your audience to                           you  were  hoping  for.  Just  like  traditional  print
        the most qualified candidates only. If you hope   ad to the time they click through your landing
        to raise brand awareness in a local area, you   page and website.         advertising, it’s imperative to publish ads in the
        can target users browsing Facebook within a                               locations you anticipate the most success.
        set location. Facebook offers a wide range of   Beyond Google Analytics, Facebook’s
        additional audience filters such as age, gender,   built-in platform provides information about   Finally, the most successful Facebook ads
        interests, behaviors and more. Take advantage   the behavior of your competitors. In fact, you’ll   are those that fully utilize their allotted space.
        of  these  filters  to  aim  your  ad  towards  your   have access to average numbers across the   Similar to creating a newspaper or magazine ad,
        brand’s ideal customer.              campaigns of your closest competition. When   you must have an understanding of the available
                                             you need help choosing whether to compete for   dimensions of your ad format. For example, it’s
           With your audience selected, you can begin   certain keywords, viewing the average trends   easy to create ad content that looks great on
        thinking about the content of your ad. Facebook   of your competition can  help you make  the   your personal monitor, but you must test it on
        supports all ranges of ad formats, but it’s   decision.                   other monitors and smartphones. When all said
        important to optimize your content for mobile                             and done, buying ad space online is largely the
        devices. Text-based ad formats can be strong   As  for  data  across  the  entire  Facebook   same as it is anywhere else.
        choices when executed correctly, but GIF,
        video and other animated formats are the most   platform, campaign managers can view the
        successful options right now.        most successful ad formats over a span   Without question, getting started with
                                             of days — and at certain keywords. Video   Facebook ads is a great place to begin or
                                             advertisements are almost always at or near   expand  your  digital  marketing  efforts.  The
        Making your budget work
                                             the top. If it’s possible for you to create one, a   service provides incentives for businesses of all
           Digital marketing is like print advertising   well-placed video ad will help you compete in   sizes, and the future of Facebook’s ad platform
        in that your company’s budget impacts every   the most important spaces across the website.   is bright.

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