Page 37 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 8.5
P. 37
Things are a lot easier than people in the Conventions can cost a lot of money to
industry make them seem! attend, so if you can’t afford to register and
get a badge letting you into the show itself,
It’s true, and a “closely guarded secret” that try to attend the parties and events around
working on the web, designing and building the day-time “show hours” at local bars and
a web site, advertising and getting traffic or, clubs, restaurants, mini-golf or other organized
that is, finding people on the web who will use happenings around the expo. Even though
their money or credit cards to spend on joining you *should* have a badge or other proof of
your site, these are easy, rapid steps to make attendance at the convention to be there, your
- individually. It’s just that there are SO MaNY ability to sneak in will be admired by these
little things to do. iconoclasts.
So, at this point service providers won’t And, besides, the opening, “warm up”
know that you’re informed even though you’re events, before the first day of registration, are
“new” and they might try telling you how long open since the actual badges haven’t been
it takes to properly build a responsive-design passed out yet.
site, or that not everyone wants to join, pay for
porn, and that it can take a long time to build These are really social events and adult
up members, or get sales. But don’t let them, industry folk are very welcoming and generous
don’t let them think you’re naive or just starting at times like these, so your eagerness will be
out, even if you are. Most of these companies, appreciated!
designers, programmers, advertisers, and so
on, work from pre-made templates anyway, Now your approach to your site and
right?, and just want to SeeM like they’re business should be quite the same... don’t wait!
working hard, earning your money, but
remember to remind them you know better You’ve got it all set up, and your traffic
and expect to have your project on line and is purchased, you’ve implemented all this
generating revenue for you and your girlfriend’s great advice heard, overheard and otherwise
solo XXX-selfie site aSap, because there are
other companies out there who will if they absorbed so that yours could be the best darn
won’t. most darn successful online enterprise since...
playboy? Darn! Whatever! It’s not important,
you need to roll!
But except for that one little exception,
the best thing about the adult industry is that
everyone is out to help each other, as well as So then what? Well, check, keep an eye
themselves of course, and can be trusted to on things, closely. Check those stats, look at
not be dishonest or willing to leave your best those sales... if they’re happening! And if they
interests hanging for the sake of their own. It’s aren’t, if all those hits and visits and click-
like a big hippie commune where everyone is throughs don’t turn into sales right away... try
ready to help you for free, almost, and really it again, with someone else. Anyone else! It’s
chill, whether they’re wearing a business suit obviously not working!
or a pair of bermudas and a t-shirt. After all, the
“outside” or mainstream world is out “against Tell your service providers, advertisers,
us”, even though they’re porn consumers like even your affiliates, to up their game or forget
most people themselves, so we have to stick about you! You. Can. Find. Someone. Else.
together, right?
and you know what? If you follow any
So how do you meet these interesting, of the advice in this article, you should. Find.
informed personages of the adult industry? Someone. Else.
Where they gather, of course!
The most obvious places are conventions
and tradeshows. You can find out about Actually, you can do that in another
these from visiting industry websites that list business, because Porn, is, after all, an Adult
such events, or trolling the forums and social Industry, and though we can be some pretty
networks for locals gatherings, closer to where whacky folk at times, we are pretty grown up
you live. after all.
PayOutMagazine 37