Page 9 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 8.1
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click through ratios, lower bounce rates, higher throughout the adult industry for our reliability
time on site, decreased chargeback volume, and support, it has become clear that providing
global reach and scalability during high traffic a CDN for our clients is the next step in
bursts at particular times of the day or during providing the kind of leading edge throughput
holidays and special events – then YES, having that your end users require.
a CDN will make you money.
MojoCDN provides full support and integration
assistance at every step from the moment you
How to Pick The CDN That Fits
Your Business The Best? decide to add a CDN to the moment your clients
start noticing the difference and beyond. Unlike
After reading this far into the article, if you are other providers, we have already programmed
coming to the conclusion that a CDN sounds integrations for Wordpress, Amazon EC3
like a great idea, the next logical question instances, ElevatedX, MechBunny and many of
becomes: Which CDN should I get? the other popular products your business may
already be using on a daily basis. You can use
As with any other item your business buys, MojoCDN month to month without a contract;
there will always be a cost versus quality because we know how great our support is and
analysis in order. Keep in mind; your cost is we are confident that we will be able to earn
derived from more than one expense. You will your trust on a continuous basis. Our current
have some initial cost of integration, and an promotions start as low as $10 for 1,000 GB of
ongoing cost for some sort of monthly support. CDN traffic and are just .01 per GB thereafter.
That may require your own time and attention We also provide special pricing upon request
or the technical expertise of your CDN provider for large accounts.
to varying degrees depending on the quality of
your CDN host. MojoCDN client deployments use state-of-
the-art ‘Origin Shielding’ as a mid-tier cache
This is where the depth and availability of your to protect your primary web server. That means
CDN support staff should become the primary your content gets ingested into the CDN cache,
factor of importance in your decision. When and all of the remote POPs pull from the CDN
you want to integrate a CDN with Elevated X, or cache instead of each individually reaching
utilize it with particular ad networks you already back to your origin server. Put more simply,
use, or want it to work flawlessly with other instead of each user being bottlenecked as
industry standard scripts, if your CDN provider they try to go to access files from your servers
is unfamiliar with these elements you’ll end up at one central repository on the network, with
having to support them as they get up to speed MojoCDN 100+ CDN edges could each can be
instead of the other way around! used to serve the files they need with amazing
speed and reliability.
Be wary of CDN providers seeking lengthy
contracts because they are fearful of having to Perhaps best of all, MojoCDN clients do not
provide excellent service every month. Check need to have all of their hosting with mojohost.
references from people you know to avoid faulty com or If you are happy with your
CDN integrations that do not cache enough current host, you can stay with them and use
of your content or are improperly integrated. as a standalone service.
Having a bad CDN is even worse than having We discussed whether to only include our own
no CDN, and I have seen examples of services hosting clients, or opening up MojoCDN for
that provide much less than the 80% cache rate everyone, and as usual we decided that being
a real CDN provider targets. In some instances inclusive is best. Being able to help everyone
you’ll see charlatans providing 1:1 bandwidth access information faster and more reliably
from the origin server to the rest of the world without any limitations… Now That’s Good Mojo!
(effectively not caching anything and funneling
your traffic to your audience at the exact same
speed your own server would have on its own.)
Why MojoCDN is good Mojo
After decades of building the award winning
MojoHost brand into a name that is trusted