Page 16 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 8.2
P. 16
Website operators can create segmented details get automatically added to the list for
Email lists a few different ways. further follow-ups and marketing campaigns.
If the person is a buyer, you will go one step
When sending out a general Email newsletter, further by branching this visitor into a known
recipients can get segmented using parameters buyers list.
such as Email Opens, Click-Throughs, and the
number of total engagements the recipient has
Keep Your audience In Mind
had with your Email sends.
Your Email list is a valuable asset because
According to recent statistics provided by
it allows you to connect with your audience,
Salesforce, it takes around six to eight touches
regardless of whether they are thinking about
with a prospect to turn them into a viable lead
you and your site or not. When planning your
or sale.
next Email campaign, stop and think about the
recipient’s needs before you hit ‘send.’
When you are participating in an active
Email marketing campaign, you can use your
If you can make a compelling offer that is
segmented data to nurture these leads more of interest to the people getting your Email,
efficiently by adding them in a different Email the better your results are likely to be. When
series designed to encourage or cultivate sales this happens, you have a ‘win-win’ situation
on related products and services. where the people on your list get something
that is of value to them, and you get a sales
If you wish to create a segmented list from
conversion, which is the ultimate goal of every
scratch, you can use a Landing Page to collect
Email marketing campaign.
Email addresses for a distinct offer.
Time-limited ‘sweeteners’ such as free
A Standalone Landing Page is used to drive
shipping, special bonuses, or one-time offers
visitors to Click Through or as a Lead Capture
are a way to add a sense of urgency for
via a Squeeze or Lead Generation page.
recipients. Instead of thinking “Hey, this offer
is always available, why should I buy today?”
Alternatively, professional landing pages
they think “I better get this now before the offer
may feature an Infomercial or as a way to
market webinars, video training, or other sales
Consider Cross-Promotions
Some webmasters may decide to publish
Another option worth exploring is a cross
a Microsite. If you are not familiar with this
promotion. You work with someone else to
concept, a microsite is a small multi-page
provide your website visitors and Email list with
website created to supplement your primary
a unique offer. Cross promotions are useful for
introducing a related product or service from
another company to your list. Depending on
Since these types of pages get produced with
the structure of the cross-promotion, you may
the intention of capturing Email addresses,
do a profit split or another form of revenue
they typically don’t include a lot of navigational
share on any sales the offer generates.
links for visitors to wander around your site
endlessly with the result of leaving when they
We hope you’ve found this article helpful for
get bored or lost. Instead, Lead pages are laser
your Email marketing and promotional efforts!
focused with the sole intent of collecting the
visitor’s Email or making a direct sale from the
The best way to keep your Email addresses
segmented if you are using Landing Pages is by
creating an individual list. Whenever someone
signs up on this landing page, their contact