Page 41 - Payout Magazine Online Volume 8.0
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So, providing the benefit of the doubt, billing processor that can handle this affiliate the site receives, and the other types of devices
knowing you have a good thing here, what system, or that can transition smoothly from between those two extremes. Then you have to
you want to do is improve on what you have, the seller’s account to yours, or do you have to determine if the site is accessible to surfers and
without disturbing what’s working well. create a new billing account with a third-party potential clients, or if the bounce rate reflects
processor? a lack of mobile/device accessibility. If the
The first thing and easiest to do, on the
site isn’t compatible across all these hardware
web (unlike brick & mortar businesses), is to Request from the seller an income breakdown
platforms, perhaps that’s why they’re selling or
verify your potential new acquisition’s profile or a revenue report, as well as a traffic report.
“getting out of the game”, as it were.
on, aka The WaybackMachine. Its Upon selling the site, will s/he be taking the
history. traffic with them? Are traffic sources mostly
This sort of thing, having to contract a
organic? Are links to the site bought, traded
readaptation/redesign of a site for next-
You want to see if the site has been around or otherwise posted at the seller’s behest? Or
generation users access, could help you in
as long as its owner claims, or has a consistent will they remain once s/he “moves on” to other
online presence from “then” until now. You ventures? negotiations, after all.
also want to see if it has changed its profile
extremely or has always been in the same If they have accounts with certain qualified Another aspect to consider is site or property’s
business as it currently runs under. traffic brokers and resellers, will they pass along presence on social media. Will you be acquiring
the information so you maintain that same the Facebook pages, Twitter and Instagram and
Change may not necessarily be bad; the quality of traffic, presumably maintaining the other popular network accounts whose names
domain may have started as a blog, become same level of conversions or sales, providing a are doubtless tied to the property?
a thumbnail or gallery post, and evolved to a base from which you can improve?
paysite. It’s important to see how much of its And can you gauge the social presence’s
history it has been monetized. If it hasn’t been Will they also refer you to their representatives popularity? (You can - many sites can survey a
turned into something with a susbscription at these traffic providers to assist in maintaining property for free and give you good preliminary
or other payment momdel, how has it been the levels which attract you to the purchase in
indications of these factors.)
generating revenue? Has it been running ads, the first place?
or redirected traffic to other sources of revenue Of course, as with any site, you should get
to which you should be privy? Show Me The Peripherals an SEO evaluation of the site. The tempation
might be that if it’s been around a long time,
Obviously, with things so easily verifiable When you’re buying a site, you’re also buying
has good SE presence, and already has plenty
on some levels, the seller wouldn’t be able to a plethora of peripherals that may or may not
of organic traffic, you don’t want to mess with
outright lie about many aspects of the site, but be obviously included, so think of asking about
a “good thing”.
these could be oversold and it’s worth at least specifics, such as prior arrangements and
corroborating claims at any level. agreements between people or companies or
But search engine algorithms are always
other sites and the seller. Unexpected surprises
So a site which updates regularly or has can be pleasant - or not. The seller may not evolving and improving their ability to read
many visits over the years would be indexed think of pointing out such deals or exchanges, sites and with HTML5 and the state of complex
and archived by the waybackMachine more or if the site has been around long enough, templates always getting more intricate, it’s
than a site which only updates once a year, for s/he may not even remember them unless a still a good idea to see where you can improve
example. So things to look out for would be a detailed review of inbound links is done. the site’s tastiness to bots and spyders.
steady rate of “visits” by the web archive site
over time rather than an up-and-down graph Of course if the site you want to buy has a
Build on it and They Will Come
pattern. high percentage or volume of organic traffic,
these purchased and otherwise obtained
And although you might want to do Market
Find the domain’s registry and current host sources of traffic can be considered in term of
Research to see if there’s really room for
(with for example, where their value at this level, either equally or maybe
another porn site in your chosen niche or fetish
you can also see a history of the domain’s worth a reduction in price if they don’t “come
when it comes to launching a new venture,
owners) and do a WHOIS check to see if the with the deal”.
one of the best things about buying into the
registration is “open” or anyonymous.
business, to purchase an already existing
Show Me The Traffic online adult venture, is that with all the mobile
Show Me The Money
and CPA network outlets and other lateral
Another element to investigate is the source
business opportunities currently emerging,
And of course there are many other possible of traffic in terms of the devices which through
revenue streams available. If it’s mainly which users/viewers connect to your site. you’re sliding into a pre-occupied slot - you
subscription-based, for example, does the know there’s room for the business, and it’s
site have an affiliate program? If that is part of Analytics should provide you a breakdown of just a question of expanding something that’s
the sale, do you have a merchant account or a how much mobile traffic versus desktop traffic already built but in the right directions.
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