Page 23 - index
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of the way a site ends up on SEs is effective Finally there are many places to advertise if
advertising leading to lots of traffc. you use your imagination. Though you may not
have the time to explore these.
Now remember, the sites of which you are a
fan are also now your competition, so you have So next to hiring someone who will take
to look at them, and look for them, differently. the time for you, whose expertise is fnding
and placing ad targets, there is operating an
Notice where specifcally and generally they account on a third-party broker system.
place their ads, which are usually at or on other
sites, of course - but not necessarily, although Ad brokers like JuicyAds and PlugRush
we’ll stick to the online realm for now. Viewing for example have relationships with vast
these as an entrepreneur in the market will advertising networks composed of dozens of
also open your eyes to other competitors different types of sites, from blogs to TGPs to
or businesses in the marketplace and their members-only cam sites, which they charge
different sources for exposure. you in various ways (per click, per impression,
etc.) to place ads at for your site - and all you
Doing this is simpler than you think. There are have to do is provide (or again hire someone
free and paid tools which allow you to enter a to create) the creative material: text ads,
URL (yours or your competition’s) and discover descriptions, banners, half-pages, or nifty
who, where and how many sites send traffc. little technological innovations like those fake
And while you could do a search in the engines live camgirl slide-ups in the lower right-hand
for these, it’s sure not to be as productive corner of your browsers, which surprisingly
because even Google won’t give you a result have proved to be not too annoying (and an
with ads matching your keywords; remember, effective advertising tool).
SEs don’t read javascript or graphical images
(hence the use of “alt” tags, among other Now if you really don’t have the time or the
reasons). knowledge to place ads yourself and decide to
hand the job off to an ad-buyer or a broker
Shopping these various ad-placement system, you should still take the time to fnd
opportunities will give you grounding for out the sites where they will be placing your
the next step, which is to shop at the (adult) ads to determine, for yourself, as a consumer,
webmaster resource sites (YNOT, XBiz and if they’re the right places.
so on), and check out the offers and listings
in their directories; then take your preferred Of course if it’s systemized, that may be
options to the boards or industry forums and hundreds and up, so a complete listing would
ask if anyone is familiar with them or has tried be unrealistic; but ask for enough to get a basic
them. idea of the types of places your ad/s will be
found, or maybe the top ten locations where
The big three search engines, Bing, Yahoo & they will the highest number of impressions
Google can also be a good source for getting (that’s appearances).
the low-down on any company’s reviews
or reputation - though of course, other It’s just a suggestion, and they are the experts
webmasters and people with direct experience after all, using metrics for everything from
on the forums should be taken a bit more time-of-day peaks to conversions to volume
seriously. click-throughs. But sometimes all it takes is
the gut reaction of a true connoisseur to make
And don’t only stick to actual porn and free the fnal call. After all, you might like butts big
porn sites, like tubes and directories, search but our ad placement expert likes hers skinny...
also for sites that are adjacent to your niche or think about it.
chosen sexual affnities in some ways.
In the end, the idea is to take the path most
If your sitename isn’t too dirty or explicit, travelled; yet everyone has had their own road
you can often fnd receptive locations such as to porn, and sometimes it is the one least
gambling, sports or men’s lifestyle magazine travelled and idiosyncratic that fnds the best
sites, if your “creatives” (what they call artwork and most lucrative audience.
and advertising text in the biz) are similarly not
too explicit.
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