
Yowpay, Instant SEPA solution for Cam Sites , and adult related businesses


Yowpay is proud to announce its SEPA gateway tailored for the needs of Adult Cam Sites but non only.

Cam Sites payment needs and challenges

  1. Reduce the frauds at the lowest possible ratio, as performers usually don’t accept to provide services and support related chargebacks
  2. Serving VIP clients with high transaction amounts and high monthly spendings
  3. Like any merchant, reduce the transaction fees at the minimum
  4. Serving clients with adapted payment solutions depending on their location
  5. Fast settlement of the funds for quick performers payouts

Europe SEPA Payment, the US ACH but instant

The US is working to provide soon an instant ACH, in Europe its available for years, it is called SEPA Instant

  1. Cost effective, usually those transfers are almost free for the sender and same for the merchant which makes it the cheapest payment solution.
  2. Instant SEPA or normal SEPA are widely used on the EU market, merchants addressing the EU market without SEPA are simply loosing clients and turnover.
  3. Secure and low risk, no chargeback on sender’s initiated SEPA (excluding so direct debits)
  4. VIP clients tailored, instant SEPA are limited to 100K EUR, limit that most of the card can’t reach
  5. Instant, funds are directly settled on the merchant’s business account, no more card acquiring settlement period, weekly or daily 1 to 3 days after. No more rollback reserves.
  6. No intermediary, no PSP collecting your funds, less financial risk.

What instant SEPA does’t do, recurring billing which mean that it should considered for Paysites only in cascading of declined card payments, whatever in Cam Sites or VOD (pack of credits) it is totally tailored for.

Usually SEPA transfers represent 5 to 20% of the payments on a Cam Site, of course of additional payments, therefore it generate an increase of turnover with low transaction fees.

The differences between solutions

There are different types of SEPA solutions

The direct debit which is not recommended as it is disputable

Then the PIS (Payment Initiative Services) and simple SEPA client initiated

Adult merchants may already use a PIS solution which is easy to recognize:

The client has to choose his banking country, then his bank and at the end the branch

Then the client has to login on his Onlinebanking, on mobile he is not redirected on his mobile app most of the time, then he has to grab his credentials.

This long process in 3 steps is a conversing killer, 50% of the clients are escaping.

The other solution is the SEPA client-initiated payment from the client’s usual banking application, here there is no lose of conversion at all.

The Yowpay Product

Yowpay is the only solution on the market non PIS based, helping merchants to collect peer to peer payment (end user / client directly to their business accounts).

Yowpay is generating a QRCODE + Display of Banking information.

The payment reference is unic to identify the transaction and to be able to assign it to the right client.

The client is simply scanning the QRCODE (when supported by his mobile banking app) or copy / paste the banking information and initiate the payment from his usual app, logged with faceid

1 click later the payment is sent.

Yowpay, using OpenBanking technology parsing the merchant’s business account to match incoming payment with pending transactions and notifies the merchant’s platform in real time.

The key approach of Yowpay is to keep the client in his usual banking environment that he will make a quick impulsive payment which is the most important in adult industry, conversion.

Yowpay costs only 29 cts by transaction, no setup, no monthly + usual merchant’s banking fees if applies on incoming transfers. Yowpay bring the SEPA instant payments on adult business merchant’s web site without commitment with very affordable transaction fees.

Start now to use Yowpay and increase your revenues on your Cam Site / Adult business web site

Merchants needs to have a business account in an EU credit institution covered by OpenBanking, EMIs are not supported unless they are integrated with Yowpay.

Non EU merchants will need an EU representation and related banking solutions, we have solutions for Adult merchants seeking for banking solutions, don’t hesitate to contact us, we can help merchants to provide EU banking relation, business account and card acquiring.

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