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YNOT Grand Prix Set to Rev Up Phoenix Forum

The YNOT Grand Prix logo emblazoned above the Phoenix forum logo.

(Phoenix, AZ) March 14, 2019 – The YNOT Grand Prix is set to run again at The Phoenix Forum (TPF), with this year’s race slated for 6pm Wednesday, March 27 at Octane Raceway in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Consistently one of the most popular events associated with TPF, this is thve YNOT GP’s 10th season.

“The Phoenix Forum leg of the YNOT Grand Prix has always been one of the most competitive and best-attended, so it’s great to be kicking off the season at TPF this year,” said YNOT co-owner and YNOT GP organizer Jay Kopita. “The Octane Raceway has an excellent course, one that provides a challenge to experienced drivers without being too difficult for beginners to handle, as well.”

The one-third of a mile track at Octane Raceway is the only full time indoor/outdoor track in the U.S., with a layout in which each lap begins indoors, then winds through an outdoor section before returning inside.

Sponsored by Juicy Ads, BongaCash, Online IPS and Gaming Adult, round trip bus service from the Tempe Mission Palms hotel (the host venue for TPF) will begin ferrying drivers and spectators to Octane Raceway at 5:30pm and bring them back again after the event ends at 9pm.

“We’ll be serving up some excellent barbeque this year, so even if you’re not competing, this is an event you won’t want to miss,” said Kopita. “It’s not just about racing either – the YNOT Grand Prix is also a great networking opportunity, on top of being one hell of a good time for all who take part.”

Scaled back from four races to two for 2019 season, the TPF race is the YNOT GP’s first leg in 2019, with the second to come at The European Summit in Prague on September 13.

For more information about the YNOT Grand Prix, visit YNOTGP.com. To reserve a spot as a driver or inquire about sponsorship opportunities, email Kopita at jay@ynot.com or contact him on Skype at LAJConsulting.


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