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Size Matters: Discover the Perfect Booth Fit for Your Brand

It’s Time To Do Business at AWSummit!

September 12 – 15, 2024, Bucharest, Romania

Big Impact, Big Benefits: Why Your Brand Should Sponsor

👍 Expose your company/ brand to 2000+ attendees

👍 Reach a targeted audience

👍 Find the biggest traffic sources

👍 Network with CEOs, CMOs & other key decision makers

👍 Generate leads and increase your ROI

Size Matters: Discover the Perfect Booth Fit for Your Brand

Effortless Exhibiting: We Handle the Hard Work

AWSummit offers flexible options tailored to your promotional needs, whether you’re looking to establish a physical presence with a business booth or leverage our sponsorship opportunities for broader exposure. The sponsorship packages are designed to maximize impact through strategic placement, engaging promotional activities, and valuable networking benefits, all aimed at helping you achieve your business objectives.

Become an Exhibitor


·     Pick a booth

·     Send us your artwork

·     Enjoy being an exhibitor

Book Your Booth Here!

Become a Sponsor


·     Check the Sponsorship Brochure for more packages

·     Choose the best option

View Sponsorship Packages

Interested in more sponsorship options for the Creators Area or AW Awards? Contact AWSummit for details!

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