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PleazeMe Bolsters Sex-Focused Social Platform with Launch of News Channel

Graphic with the PleazeMe logo with an explosion of colours in the background.(West Palm Beach, FL) June 7, 2020 – PleazeMe is expanding its sex-positive social offerings with the introduction of an up-to-the-minute news channel, available free to the site’s business channels on the PleazeMe.com platform.

The new service aims to take a closer look at What’s Hot (Industry News), What’s New (the Future of Sex), Marketing News & Tips, plus a special Spotlight Channel each month, providing a space for small-to-medium-sized businesses to market themselves and connect with customers and industry intel – helping further manage their brands and monetize their businesses.

“Our Channel News is an additional way for PleazeMe to add value to our brand partners by sharing our business learnings with our community,” said Founder/CEO Heather C. Montgomery. “As well as a resource for brands and thought leaders to stay abreast of what is happening in the following areas of news: marketing, social media, industry, regulatory, with the addition of PR opportunities and personal success stories.”

Every Wednesday, PleazeMe Channel News will post Hump Day reminders to channels interested in broadcasting their content to all of members through one of the site’s six channels.

“If you have a business in the pleasure/sexual wellness industry, then PleazeMe is the place where you will be supported, celebrated, educated and promoted,” said Montgomery. “Our PleazeMe broadcast channels not only present informative information for all of our membership, but also share the Face to Face interviews, giving PleazeMe industry members the opportunity to promote their businesses and unique offerings within a like-minded, close-knit community.

“We built PleazeMe to help individuals explore their relationship to intimacy, and for professionals in our industry to connect with those individuals seeking their products and services. We care about all of our members and aim to deliver the content to help them live their best lives ever, professionally and personally.”

Email news submissions to PleazeMe’s news channel at submit@pleazeme.com.

For more information, visit https://pleazeme.com/.

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