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Mistress Eva Featured in New UK TV Documentary, Sex in Lockdown

A medium shot of Mistress Eva in tight red latex smiling at something out of frame, probably on her laptop.(BALI) June 28, 2020 – Eva Oh, the international lifestyle domme also known as Mistress Eva, was a featured interview guest on the just-released documentary Sex in Lockdown: Keep Shagging and Carry On, hosted on the UK’s Channel 4 by television presenter Anna Richardson.

Oh and Richardson discussed the show’s theme, ‘sexual relations in isolation’, revealing the in-demand dominatrix’s new home life under quarantine and how she’s kept herself busy with online sessions during these unprecedented last few months.

“When lockdown first started happening, all my slaves started panicking and wondering when we would be seeing each other again,” explains Eva as she gives Richardson a virtual tour of her home, artfully adorned with fetish delights such as a fierce collection of magnificent high heels, cozy cage and leather bondage hood named Abraham.

“I very quickly set up a place space so that I can do virtual play time or just hanging out with the people who do usually serve me… I did notice that my signups when up about 80% when lockdowns started happening in the UK and the US… within the first week!”

“Some people have expressed a change in wanting to feel confined, and to eroticize that sense of confinement,” says Oh. “And so I put them in my cage, which works in my favor because even before this time, I really enjoyed locking people up!”

Watch the full Sex in Lockdown episode on demand at the Channel 4 website.

About Eva Oh/Mistress Eva


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