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Leya Tanit is this Week’s Guest on Adult Site Broker Talk

A medium closeup of Leya Tanit against a stylized AdultSiteBrokerTalk logo background.(Cyberspace) June 16, 2020 – Leya Tanit, Founder and President of Pineapple Support, will be this week’s guest on Adult Site Broker Talk.

Pineapple Support is a free support and therapy service for all persons working in the online adult industry – no matter their gender, ethnic origin, social status, age or sexual preference.

They provide free and subsidized 24/7 therapy for all industry performers. There is no discrimination, judgement or stigma.

Pineapple Support Society is the brainchild of Ms. Tanit, a British performer, who originally had the idea after attending the XBIZ and AVN award shows in January 2018. Deeply affected by the news of the many lives lost to suicide during the previous few months, Tanit decided it was time to take action, it was time to make a change. Pineapple Support was born.

“It was a pleasure having Leya on the show,” said Bruce F., host of the show and CEO of Adult Site Broker. “She has a lot to say about today’s industry and the mental health issues many are facing. I highly recommend you check it out”.

Adult Site Broker brokers websites and companies in the adult space, helping sellers and buyers get together and work out equitable deals. For more information or to find out how to sell or buy a website you can contact https://adultsitebroker.com on their website.

You can listen to Leya on Adult Site Broker Talk starting Wednesday on https://adultsitebrokertalk.com


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