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Affiliate World Europe 2024

The Affiliate World Europe conference is being held in Budapest on the 5th and 6th September. It promises to be a step up from the usual AW style with the first ever visit to Budapest. They are looking forward to adding Dating and Adult to the usual mainstream format, giving the conference a new dimension and greater reach!

Affiliate World are well known in the conference sector hosting huge shows in Asia and the UAE and considered to be the only ‘absolutely must attend’ event in the industry. Their annual statistics show huge numbers, with over 16,000 attendees from over 110 countries, more than 120 speakers and over 170 affiliate networks.

We wanted to find out more about what’s in store for anyone thinking about attending and were delighted to get the insider information direct from the organisers.

What year did the first Affiliate World Conference take place?

“Before Affiliate World was born, we used to hold smaller meetups for the members of the STM Forum in various locations around the world. The final meetup took place in London in 2015, hosting close to 600 affiliates. At this point the forum founders realized that the attendee base kind of outgrew the original concept and hosting meetups at this scale was no longer possible. Hence the decision was made to convert these events into a proper conference format. The first AW Conference took place in 2015, Bangkok was the city where it all started.”

What kind of growth have you seen since the very first event?

“The first Affiliate World Asia welcomed just about 1200 attendees, most of which have been actual members of the STM Forum. By the way, we still operate the forum to this day, just under a rebranded name AffiliateWorldForum.Com to stay consistent with our branding. It’s also the only place where you can watch replays of every single speech ever held at our conference.

The growth has been significant ever since! Each conference, we host more affiliates and companies than at the previous one with record attendance reaching 6200+ attendees in Dubai, earlier this year.

We put a lot of focus on the content as well! Starting with just a bunch of presentations in Bangkok 2015, we now bring in 35+ speakers, delivering insightful presentations on 2 stages across the 2 conference days. Our main stage sets the industry standard, with 600-700 attendees watching the speeches during prime time.

The number of exhibitors and company reps who attend our events is constantly growing too. AWA Bangkok 2015 started with a limited number of booths and a tiny marketplace which looked nothing like our current setup. This year in Dubai, we have had 210+ exhibitors doing business with clients at their booths and 1000+ additional company representatives attending the conference.”

We understand you are hosting the event in Budapest, can you explain why you’ve chosen such a diverse city?

“We will be hosting an event in Budapest for the first time ever and we are all excited about this change. A new city always brings new challenges, new opportunities and we are totally looking forward to this.

Due to the size of our event, it’s not easy to find a venue that meets all our needs and requirements. Since the one we have been using in Barcelona for years is going through a renovation, we had to look for a replacement.

We also felt it was about time to freshen things up and expose our attendees to a new location, providing them with the opportunity to experience something new. We all know that affiliates are not coming to conferences just for the business, right? Traveling to a new location and spending some quality time there is just as important.

Budapest turned out to be one of the few European cities with the required infrastructure and expo venue large enough to host both Affiliate World Conference and also Sigma Europe, which takes place in the same venue and in the same week.”

In terms of locations – does each one attract a different audience?

“Most definitely. The main difference is the GEO breakdown of our attendees. While in Budapest, a large part of the attendees will be from European countries, you can expect a much higher % of Asian visitors at our Bangkok show. And Dubai naturally brings in more business people from the Arabic regions. The mix always remains very diverse nonetheless, the affiliate crowd simply loves to travel.

Same goes for verticals! Our Europe event will definitely host more exhibitors and affiliates who are active in the dating/casual verticals, which wouldn’t be possible, due to legal regulations, in Dubai, for example. Following the same principle, as the world financial hub, Dubai is the home of companies providing financial services, so you can expect to meet many financial professionals at our Dubai event.”

Can you describe the different verticals that attend your events and the advantages that Affiliate World have over other similar events?

“Our main advantage over other events is the scale of things. We have a little bit of everything, so to speak. Affiliate World Conferences are not about one vertical, we cover all of them and dynamically adjust to the current trends in the business.

Another aspect where we stand out, I believe, is the education we provide for our attendees. All the speakers who present on our stages are carefully selected by our speakers team. To put it simply, we do not have presentations just because it’s the norm, we genuinely care about providing our attendees with information they can actually utilize to grow their business. And for the first time ever, in Budapest, we will have a workshop for affiliate managers as we feel this part of our business can really benefit from such an activity.

Let’s not forget about the side events. Due to the size of our conference and the amount of people who travel to the select cities during the events, many companies or teams use this as an opportunity to hold their own events for affiliates. These can be exclusive yacht trips for 50-75 private guests, smaller workshops or masterminds or even large-scale parties that can host 1000+ attendees. This year in Dubai there have been roughly 35 side events organized within 4 days… it’s hard to get bored 🙂

Our aim is to become the one conference you cannot miss. In other words, if a company or attendee only has the budget to visit one conference throughout the year, we work hard on being the one they choose.”

As an attendee what kind of companies and individuals am I likely to meet at the next AW event in Budapest?

“We always aim to cover the most important verticals and niches within the affiliate industry, both in terms of offers and traffic opportunities. Meta, Google and TikTok are always in high demand and a significant part of our speeches and networking events will be related to these. For example, we will have Google and TikTok workshops with actual representatives from these companies taking place directly at the conference venue.

Verticalized networking sessions or tracks are scheduled to happen in our various networking zones, these will cover Native, iGaming, Meta, TikTok, Google… there will be panels covering verticals such as Dating, iGaming, Arbitrage and other hottest topics in affiliate marketing.”

Our attendee breakdown is very diverse! While there are always people who are just looking to start in the business, the bulk of our attendees are seasoned affiliate marketing professionals, many of them bringing in millions of USD in revenue. Based on our surveys, 53% of our attendees generate $100,000+ in revenue per month.

Speaking about the attendee breakdown, 61% of our attendees are affiliates, the remaining 39% fall on company representatives and business owners.

As a multi-vertical event, we attract attendees from all the popular affiliate friendly verticals, with heavy focus on media buying as the main source of traffic.

As for the demographics, Affiliate World is known for its friendly multicultural audience that loves to do business in an informal way and party hard afterwards :)”

Do you have any special mentions for people who make your events so


“Affiliate World is all about the people! Every event, we return to our offices pumped with the energy we gain from meeting with so many bright and talented individuals. Without this amazing crowd, there would be no Affiliate World. Our industry tends to be a little bit lonely, many affiliates operate as lone-wolfs, without the opportunity to meet like-minded individuals in their locations.

Bringing the people together has been our goal since day one and we are extremely delighted to see many familiar faces at every single one of our events, keep coming, we love you!”

How can I get updates about AW events and how do I buy a ticket?

“Staying updated with the latest happenings is easy and highly recommended as we dynamically adjust to the market needs, adding new events, workshops or presentations until the very last day.”

For our Budapest event, please refer to our website at: Affiliate World Conferences where you can also purchase the tickets.

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