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Bruce of Adult Site Broker Will Be at the XBIZ LA

Contact: Bruce


City, State – Pattaya, Thailand

Bruce, the adult site broker, CEO of Adult Site Broker, and host of the popular podcast Adult Site Broker Talk will attend the upcoming XBIZ Show in LA, next week, January 15th through 18th.

As for the show, Bruce had this to say about it: “It is going to be wonderful to get back to Los Angeles and see everyone.” The event that XBIZ puts on is quite good, and I am looking forward to engaging in a great deal of networking and attending a few meetings.

The Adult Site Broker facilitates the meeting of buyers and sellers in the adult industry in order to reach agreements that are fair to both parties. ASB Cash, the company’s affiliate program, gives out twenty percent of the broker commission on all agreements that are closed through referrals. Adult Site Broker Talk is a podcast that is released every Tuesday with a new edition. This program has been running for more than three years, and it features some of the most influential people in the adult industry.

To make an appointment with Bruce to either buy or sell adult websites, contact him on the Adult Site Broker website.

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