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John from Expose NCOSE is this Week’s Guest on Adult Site Broker Talk

Contact: Bruce

URL: https://adultsitebrokertalk.com


City, State – Pattaya, Thailand

John from Expose NCOSE is this week’s guest on Adult Site Broker Talk.

John is the Director of Expose NCOSE, an organization that, according to John, was started by people who were sick and tired of NCOSE censoring and erasing our online spaces and hiding their true goals under the false pretense of “protecting children”.

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation, which used to be called Morality in Media and before that Operation Yorkville, says it is a charity that helps people who have been victims of sex crimes. But our guest says that what they say is very far from the truth.

He says that NCOSE is a far-right, homophobic religious group whose leader is linked to a group that the Southern Poverty Law Center has already registered as a hate group.

Expose NCOSE wants the Southern Poverty Law Center to register NCOSE as a hate group, for companies and politicians on all sides to stop working with NCOSE, and for the people and the media to know the truth about NCOSE.

Expose NCOSE’s Twitter handle is @ExposeNCOSE.

Bruce, who runs Adult Site Broker and hosts the show, said, “John and I had a very interesting talk. In NCOSE, we talked about a group that has caused a lot of problems for the adult industry. John and his group really care about what they are doing.”

Adult Site Broker helps people buy and sell websites in the adult space. They are known as “the ethical broker” for their business practices. You can contact them on their website at adultsitebroker.com

You can listen to John from Expose NCOSE on Adult Site Broker Talk starting today at https://adultsitebrokertalk.com


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