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Sex Toy Expert Kim Airs is this Week’s Guest on Adult Site Broker Talk

Contact: Bruce Friedman

URL: https://adultsitebrokertalk.com


City, State – Pattaya, Thailand

Sex Toy Expert Kim Airs is this week’s guest on Adult Site Broker Talk.


Kim Airs is an expert on sex toys, a public speaker, a blogger, and a writer for the sex industry. She teaches people about sex in a clear and funny way.

When she quit her job at Harvard to sell rubber dicks to girls, she opened the first sex toy store in New England that was friendly to both women and couples. The store was called Grand Opening.

Kim has worked in our field for 20 years.

Kim’s Twitter handle is @KimAirs.

“This was Kim’s second time on Adult Site Broker Talk,” said Bruce, the show’s host and CEO of Adult Site Broker. Talking with her is always fun. I’ve never met anyone who was so funny when talking about sex toys and sexuality.”

Adult Site Broker helps people in the adult space buy and sell websites. They are known as “the ethical broker” because of how they do business. Their website, adultsitebroker.com, is where you can get in touch with them.

You can listen to Kim Airs on Adult Site Broker Talk starting today at https://adultsitebrokertalk.com

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