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Legendary UK Producer Terry Stephens is this Week’s Guest on Adult Site Broker Talk

Contact: Bruce

URL: https://adultsitebrokertalk.com


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Legendary UK Producer Terry Stephens is this week’s guest on Adult Site Broker Talk.

Director Terry Stephens, aka Naked Truth Guy, started out selling porn on VHS when it was very illegal to do so in the mid-1990s. A chance meeting with a customer gave him the chance to make his first videos. A few years later, he became known as an amateur producer on the famous Viewers Wives series from Your Choice in Holland. He got into trouble because he was still selling videos by mail order and door to door and was arrested. A two-year court case followed.

In the meantime, Terry was getting known for his new gonzo movie series, One-Eyed Jack. This led to a 7-movie deal to make new movies for Extreme Associates in the US, but the company was having problems of its own and he only did 5 titles.

Terry and a partner started Wrist Action Entertainment, a company that sells DVDs to sex shops all over the UK. There were problems with a newly legalized industry that made it necessary to work together to set standards. UK Adult Producers came about when a group of producers got together by chance to start an organization called “Producers for a Pint.”

UKAP, as it became known later, was a group of producers who made the changes that were needed in a mostly unregulated business. Later, UKAP had to defend the right to make adult content for sale in the UK against the R18 Online, ATVOD, and Age Verification, while gaining popularity with his award-winning series Real Couples (which was on Playboys Sexcetera) and juggling productions and daily politics.

After working as a secretary for the organization for 10 years, Terry became the default chairman and oversaw the UKAP Awards from 2014 to 2018. Terry has been living in Bulgaria since the pandemic. He still makes money from the business he started.

You can follow Terry on Twitter at @NakedTruthGuy.

Bruce, who runs Adult Site Broker and is the show’s host and CEO, said, “This was Terry’s second time on Adult Site Broker Talk. Terry knows a lot about all parts of the industry and has a great historical view of it. His English sense of humor also makes any talk fun.”

You can listen to Terry Stephens on Adult Site Broker Talk starting today at https://adultsitebrokertalk.com


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